Monday again. How did that happen so fast?! Well regardless, we packed a lot of fun into our weekend–and I’m sure you’re dying to hear about it, right? 😉
1. Nash loves picking out bows for Arden to wear in her hair…and every once in awhile he picks one out for himself too. Not gonna lie, I think he would make a really cute girl.
2. It’s been awhile since we’ve had an injury in the house, so I guess we were due for one. Arden was climbing on her PBK chair and tipped face first into an ottoman. She’s got a fat bloody lip and some beat up gums to show for it. Poor girl!
3. Friday night we let the kids stay up late and have a movie night in our bedroom. Nash snarfed down almost the entire bowl of popcorn and Arden was pretty focused on Mulan. Good memories for sure 🙂
4. This was the scene 30 minutes into the movie. One down and one pretty close to it. Looking at this picture makes me wish I was snuggled up with them now!
5. Saturday morning my mom and I took Arden to get her first mani/pedi! I’d been hyping it up all week and she was so excited to pick out “royal purple nail polish for the wildcats”. I don’t know how I expected her to act once we got in there, but it kind of took me by surprise when she got to the pedicure chair and totally FROZE. I’m not kidding–she was like a statue. I would ask her questions and she wouldn’t even turn her head or respond…you’d just see her eyes moving from side to side every once in awhile. Even though I’d tried to explain it to her beforehand, I think the whole experience was just so new and different for her. I mean, how often do you have someone rubbing your feet and massaging your legs?!
6. She started to come back to life when we moved to the driers. Hopefully this will be the first of many “girls days”!
7. The finished product! The flowers and rhinestones were a big hit.
8. After nails we met the guys for lunch nearby. It only seemed fitting that I get a picture of Nash and his favorite person when he was wearing his “Love Your Papa” shirt. They are two peas in a pod, I tell ya!
9. This Sunday morning bed head just had to be documented.
Then there’s this. A friend of mine posted some Face Swap pictures last week that seriously had me laughing so hard I was crying. So Sunday night we decided to make the $1 investment and do some of our own.
Oh. My. Gosh.
You might want sit down for this.
Are you disturbed? I am…but I still can’t stop looking at them!!!
Let’s just say I’m glad we look the way we do. And that I don’t have facial hair.
Here’s to a good week…and probably more face swapping 😉

That bedhead is awesome!
What a fun girls day! Hopefully, that is just the first of many! Did Arden like it once everything was finished?
Love the mani/pedi and Papa shirt. What a fun weekend. Those face swap pictures CRACK me up!!!!!
I love the pictures from the mani/pedis. Arden’s reaction is adorable. I’m sure she absolutely loved it and her nails look great. 🙂 The swap pictures are just crazy. I’ve seen so many people doing them lately. They crack me up and disturb me at the same time. I think it’s because my mind sees the regular face and then gets confused. Ha ha!
First mani/pedi?! How exciting!!! And how adorable that she just froze in the moment, ha!
#5, so cute!! I can’t wait to take Odette for her first mani/pedi someday!
Aww what a fun weekend! I love the movie night. So cute! Also, it is so sweet that Arden got her first mani/pedi. I’m sure you two will have lots of fun girl’s days to come! That face swap thing is absolutely hilarious. I might need to make the dollar investment too.
We did the face swapping on SnapChat and were just ROLLING. It is so funny!
I love Arden and her pedicure 🙂 I can’t wait to take Abigail sometime! Maybe this summer will be the one!
I’ve also tried to get Abigail into Mulan but she says “she doesn’t think she is old enough for it” LOL
Oh, Face Swap…so freaky, yet so fascinating and hilarious! And I love that Arden got a pedi! I can’t wait to do that with Mim someday!
I just discovered Face Swap and it is beyond hilarious and disturbing haha! #1 though! Youre so funny!
Looks like a great weekend! Yay for pedicure/manicure dates. And the face swapping app is disturbing, but so hilarious!!!
OMG! The face swaps!!! I can’t quit looking and dying laughing! I must do that!
Such a fun girls day!!! I miss that about not having a girl. But luckily I have nieces so I get to still have that girls day, nail painting fun every once in a while!
Sounds like you guys had a great weekend! Love the lazy popcorn and movie nights 🙂
Haha, those face swaps are awesome!!!! While I was pregnant with Louise, Cam would put on her bows, and I always thought what a pretty girl he would make!! Hahaha! Poor fat lip, but she still looks so pretty, especially with those nails!! 🙂 xo
Poor Arden and her fat lip. 🙁 We are always telling the boys not to climb on those chairs, but seriously, something about those things must say “use me as a slide!”. Ugh!! And those face swap photos…like a train wreck, I can’t stop looking at them even though I know I should! They’re all sorts of weird!