Happy Monday! Or something like that? 😉 We had such a nice, low-key weekend. Lots of bike riding, sprinkler running, and front porch swinging…I just wasn’t ready for it to end!
But a new week is here and I’ve got big plans to get caught up on this little ol’ blog. A recap of our Mexico trip is in the works, and eventually I’ll get to Hartley’s monthly updates…you know, since I’ve missed the last two! (#thirdkidproblems) But first, I wanted to share a little bit about her big move to the crib.
This is a transition I’ve dreaded with each baby. My kids have all slept pretty well swaddled and in the Nap Nanny, so I hate to mess up a good thing. However, Hartley was starting to roll and I knew it was time to get her unswaddled and into a flat bed. Luckily, we received a Nested Bean Zen Sack to try just in time!!
The Nested Bean line was founded by a mom whose baby wouldn’t sleep without her hand on his chest. One day she decided to put a beanie baby in place of her hand…and it worked!! And that’s how the Nested Bean was born. The egg shape on the chest of the Zen Sack is lightly weighted with beans to mimic our touch and help baby sleep longer and more peacefully. Not only is it genius, but it’s pretty darn cute too 🙂
For tummy-sleeping babies, you can turn the sack around so that the beans are on their back. When Nash was a baby, I can’t tell you how many times I’d finally get him to sleep by rubbing or patting his back…and then I’d take my fingers off (one by one, as slow as humanly possible)…but the minute I’d turn to walk towards the door, BAM! He was back up! Needless to say, I wish I’d had one of these back then 😉
Other than the weighted pad feature, I also love that the sack has a double zipper (for easy diaper changes), adjustable straps, and super soft material. Basically, I just want to know why they don’t make these for adults 😉 Because this right here is how I want to sleep at night!!!
We’ve had such a good experience that the Zen Sacks and Swaddles may be my new go-to shower gifts. Because the best gift you can give to a new mom is SLEEP. Am I right or am I right?!? 😉
Right now you can use the code PR-VANESSA15 for 15% off and free shipping!
One last thing…come say hi on Instagram later today because we might just be giving one of these bad boys away!
*note: this post contains affiliate links*