Picture this…
It’s 5:40am and I swipe my card to enter the workout area of the YMCA. The nice guy behind the desk smiles at me and says, “How is ol’ Vito anyway?” I turn around to see who is behind me. Strange, there’s no one–apparently this guy is talking to me? I honestly think I might still be asleep. I ask, “are you talking to me”. “Yeah, isn’t Vito Calcara your dad? I was just wondering how that ol dog is doing”. I laugh and explain. “No, my dad’s name is Fred and I’m from Kansas City…yada, yada, yada” Chris likes to call this characteristic of mine ‘word vomit’…it’s where I tell cashiers, waiters and random strangers my life story. For the record, I think they like it. Anyway, we talk for a few minutes and come to the conclusion that Vito Calcara is not my father and I am (shockingly) not Italian by blood…I know my dark features and golden skin are probably very misleading!!!
Looking back at this story, I’ve decided something…Vito Calcara is an awesome name for a French Bulldog!!! I was thinking George, but Vito might just take the cake! Of course, I still need to find the dog and talk my husband into letting me get it…but you gotta start somewhere!
Can’t you just picture it? 🙂

OMG- is that what french bulldogs look like? Seriously, please get one ASAP. I'm obsessed with this little fella 🙂 And the name Vita for him!! Perfect!
And I gave you a blog award……um, because you rock. Also, I have word vomit as well. With everyone. 🙂 That's probably why we're such good friends. We just word vomit all over each other and can't get enough of it. That wasn't supposed to be a gross analogy…and here we go, proving the word vomit.
I hope you get a frenchie just because of this name. Andrew will be sooooooo jealous!
Yes, please get a dog!!! How does the song go…?
First comes loves, then comes marriage, then comes Vito in the baby carriage?
haha! To Ali's post. Adam tells me I talk to much all the time, but just in general. I will tell a story and when I am done he will say wow- you just said 3 thousand words in two minutes" Anyways, yes, get a dog ASAP.