This is what a snow day looks like in Houston. We’re talking schools closed, businesses shut down…the whole nine yards.
Not exactly what we’re used to in Kansas! It seems as though Houstonians felt a little left out of all the blizzard drama lately…so they took matters into their own hands and decided to dream up a winter storm of their own. On the news yesterday I heard a reporter say, “do not, I repeat DO NOT leave your house once you get home tonight. It’s just not worth it” Meanwhile, they show a video of the highways…sun is shining and the roads are completely clear. Oh Texas 🙂
Since I work from home and Chris has every other Friday off, this snow day meant absolutely nothing for us…but that’s okay, it was still fun!
Chris stayed in his sweats and didn’t even fix his little boy bed head…
Hazel helped out in the office…
This is what all the hype was about?
I was hoping for snow…
Now that the weekend has arrived, it’s time to get ready for our first official house party! We’re hosting a “Bash in the ‘Burbs” tomorrow night and I’m just hoping I don’t mess up any of these recipes!
I hope everyone has a great Super Bowl weekend!