Oh poor, sweet, neglected blog of mine…I am soooo sorry! Since claiming this little corner of the internet back in 2009, I don’t think I’ve ever taken a break quite as long as this one. Last post–March 17th?? Yikes!
But I’m here to give you my best excuse…and I think it’s a pretty decent one 😉

That’s right, Arden is going to be a BIG SISTER this fall!!!
Chris and I are thrilled to have another little blessing on the way…God is truly so good!
Arden’s been along to enough ultrasounds the past 7 weeks to know that we call that little black & white shape a baby…however, there’s still some confusion as to where the baby is actually at. If you ask her, she’ll most likely point to her own tummy 🙂
I still think she’s going to be a pretty great big sister…

Now let me back up a little…
Many of you know about our IVF journey that brought Arden to us (you can read the whole story here)…well, after doing some tests with my doctor last fall we found out that we’d likely need to do it again if we were ready for another child. Of course I have dreams of us getting pregnant on our own…without all of the needles, the meds, and the financial burdens that come along with IVF…but gosh, I’m grateful it exists. I have the opportunity that so many women didn’t in generations before–and I thank God for that daily.
Since we still had 2 frozen embryos from our original retrieval, we were able to do a frozen transfer, which is much easier on your body than a fresh cycle. I started my meds back in December and we enjoyed Christmas as a family of 3, knowing that we’d be transferring our 2 sweet embryos at the start of the new year–and hopefully expanding to a family of 4 or 5 by the next holiday season. I won’t bore you with the details and IVF lingo, but when I went in for my last scan before the transfer, my doctor told me they had to cancel the cycle. My nurse had given me the wrong instructions while the doctor was out of the country–and there was nothing we could do to salvage this cycle. Chris and I were pretty bummed…okay, really bummed. It only meant delaying things 1 month, but in that moment, 1 month felt like a year. However, I gained some clarity over the next few days…I really feel that the Lord was trying to remind me that I was not in control. With IVF it’s easy to feel that you’re steering the ship…you’ve got dosages and dates and it’s all written down for you on a handy little calendar, giving you a sense of control. But I’m thankful for that friendly reminder that His plan is always perfect.
So on February 10th, my sweet friends babysat Arden for the morning and Chris and I headed downtown to “meet our kids”. Both embryos thawed perfectly and the procedure was easy peasy. Again, how cool is modern medicine?!

Then we waited. The wait was not nearly as excrutiating as the first two times…maybe that has something to do with the crazy toddler that I was chasing around those 11 days?! 🙂
And on top of that, I have the best friends ever down here who made it their goal to keep me busy–and sane!
Then on 2/21 we waited some more…this time it was in the doctor’s office for an hour and a half, just to get a simple yes or no! Now that was excruciating!!! Ha! But when we made it back to our doctor’s office and he gave us the incredible news, I forgot all about those nervous moments in the waiting room. We were having a baby! What a blessing.
We celebrated with pizza that night and Arden gave us her best “Say what?! I’m gonna be a big sister?!” face…

Since then…
- We found out around week 6 that it’s just one little nugget. I’ll always be sad for the embryos that didn’t make it, but I find comfort knowing that it’s all part of the plan.
- We’ve had several chances to see the little one via ultrasound…I don’t think that sight will EVER get old.
- Sadly, I’ve switched out blog time for nap time. Rule of thumb–if Arden is sleeping, so am I 🙂
- I’ve been a lot sicker this time…one could argue that this means it’s a boy…OR it could just be that his/her older sister doesn’t let me take many breaks. Ha!
Well, I think that pretty much sums everything up so far! If you’re reading this, thanks for not deleting me from your blog list 🙂 I’m hoping that 2nd trimester energy burst I remember will launch me back into the blog world that I love so much!

Congrats congrats congrats!!!! Best news ever! I've been thinking of you guys and wondering if something wonderful might be in the making, hence the blog break. I'm so happy for you guys. It is such an incredible blessing and an amazing experience. I'm so thrilled. Arden's going to be a fabulous big sis. Happy happy day!
Congratulations! I'm a relatively new follower and I can't wait to hear more about baby #2!
Oh my goodness, congrats girl! So happy for you and your family! I hope everything continues to go smoothly and that you feel better soon!
Aaaaah!!! Omg! Congrats love!!!!
Congrats! How exciting!!
I just read both of your stories and I'm so happy for you. I'm currently suppose to start IUI but I think I'm going to rather jump to IVF. Reading your story makes me anxious and with tons of faith.
Congrats! What sweet pictures – happy to see you back blogging!
Congratulations, Vanessa! I also was hoping this might be the reason for your hiatus from the blog 🙂
Congrats! We are currently pregnant with our second too! Due November 1. Can't wait to follow along.
I had been wondering if this was the reason for your blog break. I am so happy for you guys! What a blessing. Arden is going to be the sweetest big sister ever! Can't wait to follow your journey to meeting baby #2 🙂
Beautiful post! Congrats! Best reason to take a break from the blog! Get lots of those naps in!
Oh Vanessa!! I'm so excited for you!! What an incredible blessing 🙂
i LOVE THIS. YAY! so excited for you :))
I had a feeling and hoped that was the reason for your break in blogging. I followed through your Pregnancy with Arden as I was pregnant at the same time, and low and behold I am pregnant again due in Sept. Congrats and YES the energy return in the 2nd trimester is amazing!
Oh my, Congratulations!! I am a relatively new follower but I did notice your absence… I can't think of a better excuse!! Hope you start feeling better soon, the blog world is missing you! xo
Glad you're back! And a HUGE congrats on your big news! What an exciting time- can't wait to follow along with your growing family. Rest up and enjoy this time 🙂
Ahhhh! I THOUGHT something might be up! Congratulations to you guys!!!
Yay…such exciting news!!! By the looks of these pictures Arden is going to be a great big sister! Congrats mama:)
Congrats, congrats!! The best blog post I have read in awhile…because another Arden in this world is just wonderful!
YAY! Congratulations!!! What an absolutely exciting time for you!!
Arden is going to make the best big sister!
Oh finally! I've checked your blog for updates, a million times… interestingly my own blog has been lying unattended since the similar date & month as yours! 😉 … Congratulations! 🙂 These pics are adorable, specially the one with Arden holding the scan & resting her head on something! 🙂 ….Feel wonderful to know you & Arden through your blog… I read it without fail ! – Love & Hugs!
Congrats!!! I am so happy to hear that we are both expecting at the same time again! I am due Sept 2nd. Will you find out the gender? I was less sick this time, so I knew it was a boy, and it is!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! And how lucky that you had frozens left over. Can't wait to hear more!!!
Oh congratulations!!! So happy for you!
Congratulations!!! So excited for your your family and I can't wait to see pictures of Arden with the new baby 🙂 Glad to see you blogging again but definitely enjoy your naps (I've been doing the same over here 🙂 !)
Congratulations! I'm soooo excited about baby #2! Can't wait to follow along your journey. Maybe it'll appease my baby fever 😛
Oh my goodness-CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How are you feeling? When are you due? I am due 10/2, and finally getting some energy back with the second trimester. Hopefully the same is true for you, the exhaustion is brutal!! So excited for your precious little family!
Congrats! So exciting!
Congrats again!! I secretly hope you get a little boy, but whatever it is, Arden totally will be the best big sister! 🙂
WOOOOO!!! Congratulations from the Ross family!
Oh my goodness congratulations!! 🙂 The pictures are the sweetest and Arden is going to be the cutest big sister!
How very cool and exciting for you and your family! I am a new reader and can't wait to follow you on your journey! 🙂 Currently I have two other friends due in October, it's a popular month 🙂
Seriously, I am so over the moon for you guys. I have had this hunch for a couple of weeks now that you were prego, but didn't want to come right out and ask 🙂 I'm sorry your feeling sick, I finally the past week or two have turned a huge corner with that, and I will for sure be praying you do soon! Excited to be on this journey at the same time with you…again! And those pictures of Arden with the baby doll are precious! And I especially loved the pic of you and your embryos. Precious little babies!
Congrats on baby #2!!
Ahhh congratulations!!!! That is the absolute best news. I'm so happy for your whole family. Arden will be such a good big sister. My husband and I are expecting our first and we just found out it's a boy! I was terribly sick the first few months, much more than I had thought I would be. Don't worry though, it finally starts to subside! Best of luck to you!! 🙂
Congratulations! We have been dealing with male factor infertility since 2010. We were lucky to conceive our miracle boy back in 2011, and he was born 11/7/11. It's not working out this time for baby number 2, so we are starting IVF next month. It all new territory for me. My meds were delivered on Thursday and it's a bit overwhelming. I keep telling myself that people do it all the time. Hoping to have success on our first try!
Wow, how exciting! I agree though, it's totally overwhelming–but you'll feel like an old pro in no time! Shoot me an email if you have any questions throughout the process or just need some words of encouragement!
Best of luck! I'll be thinking about you 🙂
Congratulations! How exciting!!!
Congratulations!! Very happy for you guys.
Congratulations!! Such excited news and science is amazing! Can't wait to watch you grow into a family of four and yes, those early days are soooo tiring!!!
God bless you sweet baby and your whole family!
Congratulations, Vanessa! So many wonderful things for your family in 2014!