First thing’s first…congrats to Molly R. for winning the $40 Pie Five gift card! Yay! A huge thank you to everyone who participated, and especially to the P5 gang for hooking Molly up!
So I may have mentioned this a few (hundred) times, but my first baby is going to be 3 next weekend. I’ll save the sappy stuff for later and cut straight to the fun part–gifts 🙂 It’s been fun looking back at the things Arden was interested in her first and second years and comparing them to where she’s at now. Games and crafts are her new obsession, but I’m pretty sure books will always make an appearance on her list. She’s my little book worm.
Here are a few things on Arden’s wishlist this year…

Big Girl Books: You can never have too many books, right? Uni the Unicorn
seems like the sweetest story…and the reviews for Dream Animals
and The Mermaid and the Shoe
are great too.
Tegu Pocket Pouch Magnetic Wooden Block Set
: These handy magnetic blocks encourage creativity and imaginative play…plus I love the company’s story and mission. Win win!
Purple Tailgatin’ Boots: Arden doesn’t know it, but she’ll be getting some similar purple cowgirl boots from her grandma and grandpa! Perfect for K-State tailgates…or any time really 😉
Painting Utensils: Little miss crafty loves paint. Watercolors, finger paint, puff paint…she’s into it all. Bonus points if it’s Frozen themed.
Do-A-Dot Art Shimmer Markers: These stamping paint markers look to be right up Arden’s alley. I think she’d be all about a Mermaid activity book to go with them too!
Bead Box Kit: I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for Arden to get to “bracelet-making age”…and alas, she’s finally there! This kit and some silkies should keep her busy for awhile. Thanks Erin V (and Lex!) for introducing us to the wonderful word of toddler jewelry-making 🙂
Zingo: If you ask the birthday girl what she’s hoping to get this year, she’ll tell you one thing: ZINGO. She’s been obsessed since the first time she played it at Gigi & Papa’s–and now she’s wishin’ and hopin’ she’ll soon have one of her very own.
That’s all folks! More birthday fun to come soon!

oh man beads!! That was a fave of mine as a little girl, I'm excited for Aria to hit that stage. The rest looks perfect too.
Brantley LOVES Zingo! In fact, we keep it hidden in our closet or else he wants to play it 49 times per day! Why did Arden never come over to play this summer?!
Lots of good ideas! Avery got a vtech learning desk last week and has been OBSESSED with it!