At 30 weeks, part of me feels like I’ve been pregnant longer than Jessica Simpson….but it’s also crazy to think that in 10 weeks (give or take) we’ll have a baby in our arms!
At this point, things are going great and we’re just hoping they’ll continue that way until mid-late August. Here’s a little 30 week update.

How far along: 30 weeks
Size of Baby C: 3 lbs, 15.7 inches
Fruit/vegetable comparison (according to Baby Center): Head of cabbage
Total weight gain: 11 lbs. Go figure that the one time in my life where I’m supposed to gain weight it’s actually not as easy. I mean really, where has this metabolism been the last 27 years?!? Anyway, my doctor said not to worry since the baby is measuring on schedule and because the majority of the weight will come in the next 10 weeks anyway. I’m prepared 🙂
Sleep: Can’t complain! Still obsessed with my Snoogle and I’ve already broken the news to Chris that I’m not getting rid of it after the baby is born. He thinks it gets a little crowded in our queen bed with 3 people–haha.
Movement: It used to be just kicks and jabs but now I’m feeling some rolls too. Still the coolest thing!
Unglamorous body changes: Just a few dark veins on my legs that I’m worried might turn into varicose veins–ahhh! I’ve been trying to keep my feet up when sitting down, so hopefully that will help. If not, oh well…I knew I wasn’t going to make it out of these 9 months unscarred 🙂
Maternity Clothes? Got some cute new dresses at the lake last weekend!
Showing: In tight tops it’s pretty obvious. Finally!
Food cravings: Nothing new here.
What I miss: Not much. I’m really enjoying this pregnancy thing (don’t worry, I just knocked on wood).
Strange experiences: The past couple weeks I’ve felt her hiccuping a few times. Those little twitches are definitely a reminder of how real this is!
Milestones: Eyesight is still developing–however, when she’s born she’ll only have 20/400 vision.
Best moment this week: Unpacking all of the hand-me-downs from my nieces. It makes me so happy to see some of my favorite Maren and Norah outfits hanging in the nursery closet 🙂
Looking forward to: A weekend at home! We’re going to a flea market and some antique stores to search for baby room items and I just finished a cute doily banner for above the crib. I will post pictures once the room is a little more complete! I’m also really looking forward to seeing friends and family at my baby shower next weekend!! Can’t wait!

you look so cute!!!!
OMG… you are beyond cute!
Love that bump! Sorry I didn't get you Skyped on Sunday. Do you have time this week?