Seriously–I did. I can honestly say I never thought those four words would come out of my mouth!
We didn’t really need a rug since the nursery is carpeted, but I wanted a small one just to add a little something extra to the room.
You can get the complete tutorial here, but I also took a few pictures of my own along the way…
It started with what seemed like thousands of strips of fabric. Some I bought pre-cut in a Moda jelly roll, and the cream and green I cut myself. It was fun, let me tell you 🙂 The next evening I plopped down in front of a full DVR and braided my little heart out. Random note about braiding: I think my brother taught me how…is that weird? I vividly remember sitting on the orange velvet chairs in our basement while he babysat and gave me a lesson on braiding using my Barbie’s hair. So anyway, thanks for that Josh 🙂
Here’s what I had at the end of night one…
The next night I picked up where I left off on the RHOOC reunion (side note: Alexis is a complete whacko), and started coiling the long braid and stitching it together.
Then Andy Cohen got attacked by a bird and I was about halfway done…
When I reached the end, I cut out a piece of felt backing and attached it with a spray adhesive. Call me a cheater, but this method was sooooo much easier than sewing…and just as effective if you ask me!
And alas, the finished product…
I plan to spray it with a good coat of Scotch Guard, but I was just a little bit antsy and ready to get it in the nursery.
Even if our baby doesn’t like it, at least we know someone else does.
Oh how I love this dog.

So there you have it! Regular people can make rugs too 🙂

So sweet! Good job Mama!
Adorable! I love it!