In case you're ever looking for a gift for someone with little ones, I thought I'd share what my mom got us girls for Mother's Day. Yes, I'm capitalizing on this holiday before I'm even technically a mother :) The "My Quotable Kid" journal... I won't be putting this to use for a few years, but it will be a great thing to have when that time does come. I can't tell you how many times my nieces or nephews have said something hilarious, crazy or creepily smart…and we've all ...
The Matlocks
I can still vividly remember the first time I met my friend Emily. It was rush 2003 and she was sitting in the Derb telling stories and making everyone at the table laugh hysterically. She had completely lost her voice throughout the week but that didn't stop her from cracking jokes. The next day we both pledged Pi Phi, and over our 4 years at K-State, became best friends. During that time we took very few serious pictures... Okay, there's one… We spent ...
Craigslist Junkie & 24 Week Update
My sister is a master Craigslister--she buys and sells kids stuff like it's her job. And as it turns out, it might be genetic. It all started with a Baby Bjorn a couple months ago. A $15 swap in the Target parking lot and I was hooked! A few weeks after that I tasked Chris with the oh-so-fun job of cleaning out and organizing out attic. One of the few things I don't like about living in Texas--there are no basements. I miss watching movies in a cold, dark ...
Happy Hazel Day
Happy 2nd Birthday to the Hazelnator! It seems like just yesterday that we were getting pictures from the breeder like this. At that point her name was Lea. You're welcome for changing that, Hazel. I mean, come on…does she look like a Lea? So birthday #2 was pretty uneventful compared to the first. No beach, no Elsa breakout. Thank goodness! Just a cookie and a pig's ear. Every girl's dream... We didn't even sing this year. But ...
It's not very often that I write a post about a trip that I'm still technically on. However, a lovely "mechanical delay" has landed us in the Fort Myers airport for a good four hours--so why not pass the time blogging? Spending time with my family is great. Spending time with my family in sunny Florida is even better. As always, too much happened to write about it all--so I'm just going to share some of my favorite moments mixed in with pictures. Mostly pictures ...
So Here’s What I’m Thinking…
As soon as we found out that we were having a little girl, everybody had the same question: how will you decorate the nursery? Well I'm glad you asked :) Remember I told you that things had been pretty uneventful around here lately. Therefore, I had lots of time in the evenings to scour the internet and brainstorm my perfect rooms. I say my perfect rooms because my husband likes everything I do when it comes to decorating. Right Chris?! So first of all, boy or girl ...