Well Arden, We've got another week in the books…you're 21 days old! Just when I thought we were starting to get a routine going, you decided to change things up. You little jokester you! We think you're going through a growth spurt right now because you are only interested in one thing--eating. So the routine went out the window but I'm okay with that because, as of Wednesday, you weighed 7 lbs 6 oz! That means you're up 9 oz from one week ago…way to go little piggy! ...
Life with Arden – Week 2!
Arden, You are 2 weeks old! In a way that's hard to believe, but in another way it feels like we've known you forever. After just 14 days it's hard for your dad and me to picture what life would be like without you in it. I hope I don't jinx myself by saying this, but you are a really good baby. You are still in the eat, sleep, poop, repeat stage--but it's starting to feel like we've got a rhythm going. At night I have to wake you up to feed you and if you cry we ...
The First Week
(This is a few days past due…but better late than never, right?!) Arden, I can hardly believe you have been here for a week...but what a great week it's been! Your dad and I are slowly but surely figuring you out...what you like (eating and being snuggled) and what you dislike (diaper changes and cold wipes). You spend most of your time eating and sleeping and we spend most of ours staring at you. Who you look like is still up for debate, but I'm going to say you resemble ...
Meeting Arden
It's been a week now since Arden came into this world and it has been a whirlwind ever since. Vanessa doesn't have much time on her hands anymore between nursing and taking care of Arden. Somehow blogging just won't fit into the day. So she asked me (Chris) to write this blog post. The more I think about it, I probably have a better memory about the details because I was the only one to whom the nurses wouldn't give any drugs. While Vanessa got an Ambien, all I got ...
What’s in a Name?
Dear Arden, So what do you think of your name? You love it? Great! So do your Dad and I. I'm writing this on August 16th. You're not here yet, but I know that blogging will most definitely take a back seat to you in the coming weeks, and I want to be sure that I get this written down. I know what you're thinking...this woman is the crazy planning type. Yep. Picking out your name was not an easy task. We had already decided on a boys name but you threw us for a ...
Arden Quinn Calcara Born August 23rd, 11:54pm 6lbs 10oz 19 in More posts to come…but for now, we're back at home and enjoying our new life with sweet little Arden :) ...