Dear Arden, While out on a walk the other night we ran into a neighbor we hadn't seen since you were born. He was congratulating us and we told him you were almost six weeks old. Wait, what?? Seriously? Already?! I know someday I'm going to look back and miss your tiny little infant days, but for right now I'm enjoying watching you grow. Every day is something new and I know it's only going to keep getting better as you get older. I'm going to keep this short since we're pretty busy ...
I just can't decide who Arden resembles the most. Her cousin Will… Or Uncle Taylor... Now that's a tough call!!!! ;) ...
First Month Favorites
After almost six weeks of life with a newborn, there are a few things that I know we could not live without. Okay, I suppose we could live without them (after all, our moms didn't have any of these luxuries when we were babies)--but I'm glad we don't have to :) 1. Ubbi Diaper Pail: Because it has a steel can and sealing lid, I can honestly say I've never smelled dirty diapers in Arden's room. And judging by Chris' face when he takes the bag out--there are some serious smells going ...
Five Weeks
Arden, you are a whopping 5 weeks old! I just love spending every day with you--watching you grow and change. It was another Wildcat Saturday last weekend, but this time we watched from home. The game was just a little too late and we thought you'd get more sleep if we skipped the watch party. You seemed to be okay with that decision... As usual, someone else wanted in on the photo shoot. Sunday we were feeling brave and decided to take you to church. ...
Arden: One Month!
I love that Hazel's paws made it into the shot. She takes her babysitting duties very seriously :) Length: 22.75 inches Weight: 8lbs 7oz Head Circumference: 14.5 inches Milestones This Month: You SMILE. At least once a day we can get a few gummy grins out of you...and it's pretty much the best thing ever. It just amazes me that even teeny tiny newborns can imitate what we do. You can follow a toy from side to side with your eyes. Of course, it took Babycenter ...
Newborn Pictures
I could not love these pictures more. Thanks to Aubrey Torrey for perfectly capturing our sweet little girl in her first week of life :) ...