You are obsessed with dirty diapers. How much, how often, what color. Some people even admit to liking the smell. Not that I know anyone like that… You tell time in terms of naps. 2pm is really just "an hour before the afternoon nap". You have your doctor's nurse on speed dial (and she probably thinks you're a little cray-cray) Dry shampoo seems way more appealing to you than wasting an entire nap on showering. The first time you have a toddler over you realize that pretty much ...
Mommy & Me Monday
I love taking pictures and documenting our life, but one thing I rarely find myself doing is handing the camera over to Chris. Perhaps I'm a bit of a control freak?! Arden is five months old and it just seems like I'm going to blink and it will be her first birthday. I'm realizing all too much lately that the time is flying by. So when I started reading Emily's blog (love it!) and saw her weekly "Mommy and Me" posts, I knew I had to join in. I don't want to look back ...
Zoo Time
On Tuesday, Arden and I joined some of our friends and headed into the city. Destination: the Houston Zoo! Even though the babies were too small to fully understand what was going on, the weather was absolutely perfect so it was a great excuse for the mom's to get out and enjoy it. These beautiful, no humidity days won't last long in Houston, so we've got to make the most of them! I always love spending time with these girls and their sweet little ones--and this day was no ...
Arden: 5 Months!
Length: 26" Weight: 15-16 lbs? Head Circumference: 16.5" Milestones This Month: Sitting up with assistance. In the boppy, on the couch or on my lap--you're rocking it and I think you love the new point of view. We're guessing it'll only be a couple more weeks before you're doing it all by yourself! Exersaucer time. I love watching you master new toys--it's just amazing. You're feeling more comfortable in the exersaucer and every few days you discover ...
Tasty Toes
Is this normal? Probably not. Arden hasn't really taken to sucking her thumb…just her big toe. I'm not joking when I say I've been picking toe-jam out of her mouth all week. Let's just hope she breaks this habit before she goes off to school. No kid wants to be know as a toe-sucker!!! Oh and this is why I've used up all of my iCloud storage. Too many pictures…too much cuteness :) ...
Friday Faves
Happy Friday!!! I've been slacking in the blog department lately, so I thought why not share a few totally random things that I'm loving this week? 1. Downton Abbey. Yes, we've joined the obsession…and it's A-mazing! We've been watching it so much lately that Chris has started referring to Arden as "Lady Arden" and I feel like I'm starting to think in a British accent. It's consuming our lives and I'm not mad about it... Sophie the Giraffe Teething Toy. ...