I just looked at our neighborhood website and realized that the first pool opens up in less than two weeks! I'm not sure if I'm ready for swimsuit season, but this girl definitely is... Clockwise from top left: Baby Gap (garage sale), Gap Outlet, Target, Gymboree, Gymboree Outlet, Carters Outlet I can't wait for a summer full of splish-splashing :) ...
Monday, Monday
Hello Monday! I'm taking a break from our time with Gigi to post a quick Mommy & Me pic. We are having so much fun with Gigi here…shopping, playing, swinging and shopping some more. My little helper is already carrying bags for me... And in honor of her visit, here's a "Gigi & Me" pic too. Love them! Have a great week, everyone! ...
Friday Night Entertainment
Chuy's makes her CRAZY! 6 months old and already working on her comedy routine :) PS: The queso was good. So good apparently I couldn't take a break for the video. ...
Wine Smoothie
I may have moped around Monday morning, but Monday night turned out to be perfect. A couple of great friends, The Bachelor finale, and wine smoothies. Yes, I said wine smoothies. I've experienced a lot of Pinterest fails in my day but this is not one of them. It was cool, refreshing and the perfect compliment to a shirtless Sean Lowe. Am I right?! My husband won't even care that I said that since Sean played football at K-State ;) All you need is a bag of frozen ...
M&M Monday + Vote for Arden
Well, we're doing a little bit of moping around here today. Chris took off for an international business trip last night…and while it was really tough for me to say goodbye, it was definitely worse for him knowing that he won't be seeing his little girl for two whole weeks. We're going to miss him terribly and will look forward to as many Skype dates as he can fit in (and of course, whatever Indonesian goodies he wants to bring home for his girls--ha!) At least Arden and I won't be ...
Life Lately
It's Friday! Arden is napping, my to-do list is nearly complete and I just cracked open a Diet Dr. Pepper--with cherry. I guess you could say that life is pretty good :) Last weekend Chris' parents came down to visit from Kansas. We didn't have a lot planned and they were happy to just go along with our everyday life. Speed shopping, 5:00 dinners out, etc…you know, typical life with a baby. We had a great time celebrating their anniversary on Friday... And ...