Height: 33 inchesWeight: 25 lbs 6 ozClothing size: 18-24 months and some 2TShoe size: 4.5 Number of teeth: 15 Arden, You are turning into a big girl before our eyes! Not just physically (although it makes me laugh to think about the days when I worried you were too small! ha!), but because you are doing more and more big-kid things every day. You try (and prefer) to feed yourself with a fork, you take drinks of water or milk just so you can say "ahhhh", you blow on things that ...
A Christmas-y kind of Friday…
Hi friends! Linking up today with my girl Darci for another round of Five on Friday! So shall we?!? ONE. Christmas is coming to our house tomorrow....eeek! That means we'll all be wearing flannel pajamas, sipping hot chocolate and singing holiday tunes as we hang ornaments on the tree. Oh wait, I think I confused my life with a Pottery Barn catalog for a minute! ;) In all actuality, it will probably be Chris sweating profusely as he brings everything ...
Me and You.
Four years ago it was dancing, cake, champagne toasts...and so much love. Today it's Elmo, pb&j's, Arden kisses...and so much love. And believe me, I wouldn't have it any other way :) Thanks for making the last four years the best of my life, Chris. I love you! Thank the stars above That we share this love Me and You. ...
We're baaaaack! Okay, so we've been back for a few days, but you'll have to cut me some slack because I just stopped rocking yesterday. And I don't mean rocking like "being awesome"...more like, I felt like I was still on a ship for 3 days. Ha! But really...is it normal to take more motion sickness pills off the boat than on it? :) Anyway, I'm back and I'm feeling refreshed...maybe ready to rejoin the blog world again?! As I type on my antique word processor right now, my new and ...
Five on Friday!
Happy Friday, y'all!!! As always, I'm linkup up with Darci & friends for a little Five on Friday fun! :) ONE. Today's the day...we're headed to Florida! We'll spend the weekend at my parents' house and then Chris and I will head to Miami, where our cruise takes off next week. Chances of me not having a major breakdown as I leave Arden for the first time? Slim to none...but I know Chris and I are going to have a fantastic time once we start cruising! ...
(Ridiculously Easy) DIY Toddler Infinity Scarf
Hey there, friends! I'm checking in today to share a little DIY project with you. And you know what the means...it must be REALLY easy! :) Yes...yes, it is! I've received a few questions lately about where I got the scarf that Arden was wearing in one of my Instagram videos... Well here's the truth...are you ready for it?! It's the bottom of an old shirt. Yes, I cut up my old clothes and turn them into accessories for my child...don't judge, okay?! :) It was just supposed ...