BOY!!!! InklingsPaperie Scratch Off Cards And it looks like the big sister doesn't know quite what to think! Just kidding...that just happened to be the expression I caught from her ;) She was really only interested in the "chot-lat" Gigi was handing her between shots! Oh my word, a BOY! For the last 21 months I have LOVED being a girl mom, but I am so so thrilled that in October I'm going to get to experience the love of a little boy too! What an ...
It’s Friday!!!!
Morning friends--and happy FRIDAY!!!! I'm joining my sweet friend Darci (who I'm missing so much right now--wahhh!) for another edition of Five on Friday. I've had so much to blog about lately, but about 30 seconds a day to do this is the perfect way to get it all out there while I work on getting my act together ;) ONE. Thank you all SO very much for your input on lighting this week...and for dealing with my last-minute decorating panic attack!!! :) I'm ...
What would you do? Lighting help!
Hey there, friends...hope you all had a fabulous Memorial Day! We spent the entire weekend at my in-laws' farm and had a great time as usual--more to come on that tomorrow though. Right now I need some advice... So let's just pretend you are building a house and you need to decide on light know, by 1pm today :) You're using gray tones throughout the house and your kitchen will be white--with light countertops and a gray painted island. Plumbing fixtures and ...
Arden: 19, 20 & 21 Months!
Hmmm...does it sound like I have some catching up to do or what?!? Arden: if you're reading this, you can thank your sweet little brother or sister for my lapse in documenting your life. I used every ounce of energy I had in March in April to take care of you--but unfortunately these monthly updates kind of fell by the wayside! So just do me a favor and pretend these two pictures have lots of words to go with them :) Height: 35 inWeight: 27 lbsClothing size: 2TShoe ...
Five on Friday: “We’re Home!” Edition
Hello friends and happy Friday!!!! Today I'm joining Darci, Natasha, April & Christina for a little F.O.F. fun...and this time it's all about our first week back in Kansas. ONE. It didn't take this lady long to make herself at home at Gigi & Papa's. What kind of new roommate strips down to their underwear and demands Mickey Mouse the minute they arrive anyway?!? Good thing she's so darn cute... TWO. My parents live in the country, which gives Arden lots of ...
What I’ll Miss & What I Have Missed
Raise your hand if you're tired of hearing about our move!!! :) I promise I'll blog about something else one of these days, but first I wanted to share the things that I'm going to miss about Texas + the things about Kansas that I've missed so much. Mostly for me to look back on down the road... What I'll miss about Texas... Our friends. Have I mentioned that yet?!? Patio weather in December. When we moved to Houston, I turned into a cold-weather-snob in a hurry! I'm ...