Happy Tuesday, friends! Hope you're all getting a touch of this glorious autumn weather we've had in Kansas the past couple days. I am slightly terrified of the winter ahead, but boy have I missed FALL! As part of our Busy Bag Blogger Swap (say that 10 times fast!), last week I shared the fun felt food activities that Natalie and Blair sent us. And since that post, Arden has decorated approximately 7,000 cupcakes. I tell ya, the girl is obsessed! Today I want ...
Staying BUSY
I'm so excited to have been involved in a fun busy bag swap this week with some of my favorite bloggers! The rules were simple--with $15 or less, we were each tasked with creating an activity bag for a fellow blogger's kiddo(s). Whether it was gathering things from our own homes or hitting up the dollar spot at Target, we did our best to come up with learning activities the would keep toddlers interested and occupied, while keeping the cost low. When we lived in Texas I did a busy ...
Life According to My iPhone
Sometimes at the end of the week I like to scan through the pictures on my phone and see a little summary of what we've been up to. I mean, I can remember what we did (my pregnancy brain isn't that bad yet!) but it just means so much more to SEE it all again. Which brings me to my next point...how did we live before camera phones?!? Here are a few pics that sum up the past couple of weeks in our casa... 1. Hello Fall!! These cooler temps have been ...
Back in the Little Apple
One of the best feelings in the world? Driving through the Flint Hills on 177 and seeing Manhappiness (aka Manhattan, Kansas) in the distance. I've made the drive so many times, and still, that view of the "Little Apple" just never gets old. It's like you can hear the K-State fight song playing as you get closer to town...or in our case last Friday evening: "Get Low". Pretty fitting actually, considering it was the theme song of our freshman year :) My in-laws ...
32 Weeks!
8 weeks left? Say what?!?!?! How far along: 32 weeks Size of Baby C: 16.7 in, 3.75 lbs Fruit/vegetable comparison (according to Baby Center): Jicama -- thanks to this adorable sign from my friend Jillian, I now know what a jicama looks like! Still don't know how to pronounce it, but I know what it looks like! ;) Total weight gain: 15lbs Sleep: Sleeping great thanks to the best pillow ever. Chris is tired of the two extra people in ...
‘Donut’ you know it’s my birthday?!
How do you measure the success of a 2nd birthday party? Well if it happens to be by 'number of donuts consumed by the guest of honor', then I'd say Arden's party was the best little shindig of all time!!!! I'm not kidding when I say the girl ate her weight in pastries...but isn't that what birthdays are about, after all?! The big day started off with an early-morning donut pickup (thanks Chris!)...and of course, balloons in bed. Pure joy for the birthday girl!!! The joy ...