Fridays are my favorite. The Friday before Halloween...even better. The Friday before Halloween when the Royals are playing in the World Series...the best ever! So many fun things going on in these parts--I'm just going to jump right into it! one. Nash's party was a success! Seriously, such a great day. I'll have a full post put together next week, but here's a sneak peek :) two. I'm having a LuLaRoe party at my house in November and I'm soooo excited about it! I ...
Nash: 12 Months!
Height: 32.5 inches Weight: 25 lbs Teeth: 11 Nash-Man, You are a year old! How did that happen? No!? It literally feels like yesterday that we were bringing home a little 7 pounder, and now I'm watching you sleep on the monitor--fast asleep, your chubby body taking up half of the crib. You've turned into such a little person...with a BIG personality. Here's what happened during the last month of your first year... You follow directions...when you want to, of ...
One Year Later
One year ago today, this squishy baby screamed his way into this world. Heck, we were all screaming...but he looked the cutest doing it :) We were instantly smitten... We introduced him to his big sister... And we welcomed him home with open arms... One year later, the porch looks the same...but the baby? Just a little different :) My goodness we love this wild, handsome boy. Happy 1st Birthday, Nash! You make life so much sweeter. Let the ...
Happy Camper: Nash’s One Year Pictures
When my friend Ali suggested we take Nash's one year pictures in Manhattan, I was instantly excited (never mind the fact that this conversation took place at his newborn pictures, almost a year earlier). Ali lives a few hours away in Wichita, but her family also has football season tickets, so meeting in the Little Apple on a game weekend was the perfect choice. Plus it's just so darn pretty there. So a couple Fridays ago we loaded up half of our house the car and headed west, getting ...
The Monthly Picture Struggle…#worthit
Sooooo, monthly baby pictures. I kind of dread them. They usually consist of me jumping up and down on a kitchen chair with a camera strapped to my neck, acting like a complete goober just to get a squirmy baby to stay put and not roll away...and that doesn't even guarantee a smile! But then at the end of a year you have this. And this? this. is. everything. The transformation from a skinny newborn in a sumo diaper, to our sweet & wild little tank is almost too much for my ...
10 Best Halloween Books for Kids
Can you believe Halloween is 12 days away?!? TWELVE!!!! On Friday I shared our ten favorite Halloween books over on the Kansas City Mom's Blog--and it was such a fun list to put together... I received several comments saying that we needed to check out Room on the naturally, I ordered it on Amazon Prime with one click. Why oh why does Amazon make it so easy to spend money?!? (As if I needed help in that area!) Anywho, the book is adorable and already a new favorite for ...