Race clothes and numbers laid out - check. Alarm set for 5:30am - check. Carb gut ache - big check. Now I know why no one loses weight from running marathons and half marathons…I have eaten more in preparation than I ever have in my whole life. We got a Little Caesar's Hot n Ready tonight for our carbo-load dinner and now I can't sleep because I'm so ridiculously full. So why not blog?So far the trip has been a lot of fun. We've seen the Alamo, toured Texas Ranger Museum, partied with Rick ...
Great. Weekend.
So were you all confused when you saw a new blog name show up on your lists? After a month of brainstorming this was the best I could do. I didn't consult my husband so hopefully he's okay with it. Something tells me he couldn't care less.So this past weekend was great for so many reasons...1. Luke turned 1!!!!!First of all, this kid is so cute it's scary. Even with a cheek full of stitches (yes, he's already proving he's a rough and tumble little boy), he is so stinkin' adorable. I may be a ...
Adventures in Texas
Well, it's a beautiful day in Houston! 73 degrees, breezy and not even humid. I think I will cherish this while it lasts!I know I've been away from the blogisphere for a couple of weeks, so I thought it was about time for some stories of our Texan adventures, thus far. Believe me, we have plenty already. So here we go...Since we don't close on our house until right around Thanksgiving, we're temporarily shacking up in a barn. Yes, a barn. No, not like Jesus' manger...more of a large metal ...
Mission Accomplished!
House hunting trips can be fun…but they can also be stressful, frustrating, nerve-wracking, etc. However, all that matters in the end is that you end up with a house you love…and I must admit, love only begins to describe the way I feel about this house!!! It wasn't easy getting to this point because we had a second favorite house with a pretty awesome view of the country…but we know we made the right decision going with the house that was more manageable for us size-wise. Honestly, there ...
Hodgepodge of a Post
I have lots to share, but very little energy…so a list seems like the way to go. :)This past weekend in Manhattan was marvelous. Just marvelous. From dinner at So Long to house tours at Pi Phizzle…it felt a lot like college. Not that I need to be reminded of it, but I have some pretty awesome friends. I really want to live in Manhattan again at some point in my life. I already made Chris pinky swear we would retire there...Meadowlark Hills here we come!My love for Pi Phi was revitalized ...
Isn't it funny how no matter how long you've been gone you can still remember everything about the house you grew up in? I'm almost certain that I could find my way through the Olathe house I lived in for my first 13 years…blindfolded. I remember the kitchen table we sat around for so many family dinners, birthdays and holidays. When I was 7 or 8 I had a minor breakdown when I realized that there were only 4 chairs that actually sat around the table. The 5th chair, my chair, was in the ...