Okay, so she's not exactly famous and Katy's not exactly small...BUT, check out Hazel's magazine debut...See her?I know you're probably thinking I've crossed the line. Well don't worry, I left that line behind long ago when I dressed her up in a tutu for Valentine's Day!Mom-I will pick up a copy for you too :) ...
Smells Like College
Blogging is so cool. Now that I've been documenting our life on here for over a year, we're able to look back at annual occasions and see how much has changed since the past year's event. And with little nieces and nephews--a LOT changes in a year! For instance, at the 2010 Gower family reunion we were just finding out about Will the Thrill. Now he is 5 months old and in 12-month old clothing. Chubby and awesome...I love these Tommy Pickles legs. I don't want them myself, but I love them ...
Rhinestone Cowgirl
Remember that fateful day when I found my sweet purple boots?Well last night I made them even sweeter…Less than 3 months until football season! ...
Random Cuteness
Because who doesn't want to see the cutest kid in the world covered in shaving cream and paint? Luke's daycare looks awesome! ...
Fat Hog 500
by Chris CalcaraThe year may be vague and disputed amongst my family, but sometime in the 70s we started the Fat Hog 500. "Fat Hog" being derived from the food we eat, and "500" because the event is concurrent with the Indianapolis 500. It used to happen every Memorial Day weekend at the farm until we stopped sometime in the late 90s. And since then, the cousins have tried every year to convince my parents to bring it back. Fortunately, we were successful this year on the condition that the ...
New Obsessions
I'm still working on the pictures from our Memorial Day weekend in Great Bend…so in the meantime, I thought I'd share some of my new obsessions. As if I needed anything else to obsess about, right?1. Ancestry.comTo kill some time on our 11 hour drive to Kansas, I started a free trial of the family tree website. Chris and I were quickly sucked in...learning about the Calcara's, Page's, Gower's, Larsen's and more. I have spent many late nights since engrossed in the pictures, marriage ...