Though it may not feel like spring in Kansas right (snow on Friday…really?), I’m still in full-on spring cleaning mode. (You can’t stop me, Mother Nature!) Closets are being purged, photos are being backed up, and I’m using my secret trash can in the pantry to dispose of all the happy meal toys that I don’t ever want to see again 😉 And as you may have noticed, this little corner of the internet has gotten a refresh too!
Over the last 4 weeks, I’ve been working with Hello Big Idea to rebrand the ol’ blog and tie it together in a neat little package with Sunflower Steals. Let me tell ya, the talented ladies at HBI have this thing down to a science. Actually, it’s more like magic. I was really confused about what I wanted when we started the process, but through questionnaires, mood boards and lots of brainstorming…they helped me find it. And then they nailed it!
All I knew in the beginning was that I wanted the new look to make me happy…and it definitely does that! The colors, the fonts, the patterns. I-LOVE-IT-ALL! I mean…come on! So pretty, right?!
And if you’re reading this, you probably also noticed the new website design! I think it’s a little easier to navigate, plus it has some features that I think will be especially helpful for my Sunflower Steals peeps!
First of all, there’s the Favorite Things page. I realize I say “this is my favorite XYZ” a lot, and it’s probably hard for people to keep track of all my obsessions 😉 That’s why I decided to put them all in one place. From bed sheets to yoga pants–it’s an ever-growing list of faves.
You can also check out the Shop section, where my Instagram pics are posted with shoppable links. Because ain’t nobody got time for a wild internet product goose chase!!!
So there you have it. Spring has sprung here…now if only we could get the weather to follow suit!

New follower! Love the layout and can’t wait to follow along 🙂
I love it so much!!
The new look is awesome and I love the color scheme!
ABSOLUTELY love it!!!! So gorgeous my friend x