It’s true. Our Hartley-Bear is ONE. (I’ll save the sobbing and “how is this possible?!” for her one year post…coming soon.) But for now, the PAR-TAY!
We kept it small this time and just went with a small family party. However, I didn’t want Hartley to look back at pictures and think we totally slacked on her 1st birthday celebration (see Arden’s HERE and Nash’s HERE), so it seemed necessary that we go BIG with the theme. And that’s where the 80’s party was born 🙂
I knew from the start that the birthday girl would totally rock the 80’s workout look…
|cutest mermaid leggings ever|
And although I took party planning procrastination to a whole new level (just ask the Walmart employee who helped me find slinkies and black posterboard at 9pm the night before ?)…I think it all came together in the end. Plus it was a good learning experience for Arden who was very interested in that “cassette tape thing”. Kids these days!! 😉
I knew that even if I completely bombed the party decor, the cookies would be perfect. Icings by Ang always knocks it out of the park!
In all honesty, I probably put more effort into our family outfits than anything else. And by effort, I mean I scoured Amazon for about 3 hours one night, and went to Good Will once. And now I’m wondering…can I talk them into repeating this look for Halloween?!? It’s just so much fun!
Hartley’s little legwarmers get me every time!
| Arden’s leggings | My leggings | Accessories | Fanny Pack – you know you want one! |
Some of the guests even dressed up. I mean, check out this cool gang! I’m still mourning the fact, however, that my mom donated ALL of her swishy warm-ups from the 80’s and 90’s just months before the party…but luckily her best friend had a velour track suit to loan her. Phew! 😉 This also got me thinking, will me kids be asking me to wear my old yoga pants to a dress-up party someday? Gosh, I hope so!!!
Luke’s outfit is the real deal…worn by his dad in the mid-80’s. Funny enough, it looks just about like what he wears every day! Blue is his color of choice ?
After we filled up on Cool Ranch Doritos, Bugles, and pizza (so 80’s, right?) it was time for the main event. The smash cake! I gave Hartley a quick taste to make her realize that this was definitely going to be worth sitting in the high chair for….
That cheese face though…
Now that’s the life isn’t it?!? She liked her cake, but seemed like she could’ve done without it too. She’ll learn…she’ll learn ?
There’s definitely something to be said about small, family parties. I was able to relax and focus on Hartley–and reflect on what a joy this first year with her has been. Plus it was super special to look around the room and see all of the people that love her the most in one place. ❤️
And just for fun, here’s a little side by side…from the 2007 Ring Ching date party to now. We’ve added a few tiny humans, but we still love a good 80’s theme!!! ? And on that note, I’m off to get a spray tan!! ??
A special thanks to all of our family who traveled from near and far to help celebrate sweet Hartley!!!

That cheese face is precious!
This is so cute! How fun!