Happy Friday, my friends! We are currently en route to my in laws’ house about four hours away…and I’m just happy to be in the passenger seat with all children strapped in in the back. Ha! Moana is rolling and I’ve got time to work and blog. I’ll take what time I can get these days! Here’s a quick roundup of what’s been going on + things that I’ve been loving lately…
This sweet thing is the reason for our trip to GB. Our niece Cora is ONE today!!!! It seems like we were just making this trip to meet newborn Cora…and now we’re celebrating the happiest, most adorable one-year-old! The kids are pretty excited to see her smash her cake tomorrow…but I’m most interested in squeezing those chunky thighs 😉 Happy Birthday, Cora!
Speaking of birthdays…guess who’s turning FIVE next week?!?! Somebody hold me!!!!
On the agenda for her big day…a visit to her new Transitional Kindergarten class for “Sneak-a-Peek” and then to the American Girl Doll store to pick out her gift (I’m probably as excited as she is). I’m sure it’s going to be a great day celebrating the coolest almost-5-year-old I know. She is just the BEST.
I had a fun little girls night last week at Made: Custom Decor & Classes. The owner, Marcy, is my friend Angie’s next door neighbor and friend, and she hosts these awesome sign-making parties in her home. We ate and drank–and made the cutest farmhouse signs ever. Pretty much my idea of a perfect night 🙂 You just send your ideas to Marcy ahead of time (hello Pinterest) and she has the design ready for you when you get there. I LOVE the one I made for Nash’s bathroom…because a. it looks way better than anything I could’ve crafted on my own, and b. I know he’s going to need all these reminders when he gets a little older. HA!
Can’t wait to do it again!! If you’re local, check it out!
And here’s a new sign that I didn’t make…but love equally as much. Isn’t it the BEST reminder?!? I’ve walked by it a few times this week and it honestly helped me to “reset” in the midst of the late summer madness. These days will be gone before I know it 🙁
Poor Hartley had her first ear infection this week. (Insert tears) On day 2 of her antibiotics I noticed some fluid coming from her ear, and a visit to an ENT, and some ear suctioning later (insert more tears), confirmed her ear drum had ruptured. I mean, WHAT?!? I didn’t even know this happened to babies 🙁 It absolutely breaks my heart, but thankfully she’s on the mend now and these sad faces are becoming less frequent…
We’ve had a few new fun things show up at our door lately. These leopard print beauties and the most perfect first-day-of-school top for Arden. I just might need this one to match 🙂 And because I can’t wait for fall, I picked up these boots (yes, $25!!!), this hoodie and ordered the kids some tees for football season. Which, by the way, STARTS IN TWO WEEKS!!!!! Yessssssss!!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Poor little baby face! So glad she is on the mend x