If you’re new around here, you’re probably reading the title of this post and thinking, “Umm…what?” So let me start with the basics…
-The Fat Hog 500 is a party that my in-laws throw every Memorial Day weekend on their farm in central Kansas (you can read about past years here).
-It’s pretty epic.
-This tradition started back in the 70’s and friends and family look forward to it every year. (You’ll soon see why!)
-The main course, as you’ve probably guessed, is pork. A gigantic pig in a gigantic smoker. And it’s delicious!
-My in-laws renovated their barn a few years ago and it’s AMAZING. Such a fun place to throw a party!
Okay, so now that you’re up to speed…let me tell you a little bit about this year’s Hog Roast. Just a week and a half before the party, a tornado ripped through my in-laws’ property and completely destroyed the two houses south of them. Thank God everyone had taken cover and no one was hurt. There was a lot of damage to the farm–they lost several big trees and the outside of their house took a beating…but nothing like their neighbors. Even though we had seen pictures of the damage, it was still pretty shocking to drive down the road and see the devastation first hand.
We really weren’t sure if the party was still going to happen, but after getting tons of help to clean up their land and make it safe for visitors, Chris’ parents decided that the show should go on. They planned to take a love offering for the two families that lost everything, which was so neat.
As soon as we got there the kids were outside exploring…
And of course, it didn’t take them long to make their way to the barn. Neither knows how to play foosball, but they take it very seriously 😉
Taylor, Kelly and baby Cora came out for pizza…and yes, Cora is really that cute. She’s such a doll baby!
Everybody’s growing!
Friday consisted of lots of four-wheeler rides, picking up the pig, and more time spent in the barn. Oh, and the beer truck!
Even though I love the pork on Saturday, I have to say my favorite meal of the weekend is always Delgado’s flour chips on Friday. They are straight from heaven, I tell ya. They melt in your mouth and I really believe that every Mexican restaurant should serve them. But until then, I’ll just stuff myself full of that fried floury goodness every time we visit GB. Yummmm.
Saturday turned out to be beautiful…the perfect kind of day for a barn party! More and more family showed up, the kids ran around like maniacs, and lots of memories were made. Just looking through these pictures has me wishing we could do it all over this weekend!
The offering taken for the families who lost their homes raised over $1400. Amazing!
I ended the night in the barn with these young kids, trying to pretend I was still good at flip cup. For a mom, I think I did okay 😉
With every Hog Roast that passes I feel more and more fortunate to be a part of this family. Not only are they loads of fun, but they’re pretty great people too. And the memories made? They’re priceless!
Until next time GB…

What a fun event & a neat barn.
How fun!! These pictures are great!
Every year, I think this is the greatest party ever! What fun!
What an awesome weekend and so special for the offering too! I cannot believe that devastation x
LOVE it all! So fun. What a wonderful thing to do to help the neighbors, that’s so nice. This tradition is the coolest and those Fat Hog shirts are awesome!