Oh my…it’s been a week. I’m not sure what happened, but somewhere along the way I hopped on the Hot Mess Express. From being late EVERYWHERE (even when I left early, something happened)…to running out of gas (don’t push it, friends, just don’t do it)…to finding my kid eating a cup of day-old french fries that he found tucked away in his car seat this morning. And if you think I had the energy to stop him from doing it…you’d be wrong. I just put my sunglasses on and kept driving. You know, until I ran out of gas and coasted into the dance school parking lot, that is. Ughhh.
But the good news is…it’s Friday! My house looks like a war zone, but I’m choosing to blog through naptime instead. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll get my life together tomorrow.
Since Hartley was born, the big kids have had more screen time than I’d like to admit. It’s tough during those early days to keep everyone entertained, especially when you’re nursing 24/7. But now that we’re getting in somewhat of a groove (somewhat), I’m setting some rules when it comes to phones and iPads. My mom sent me an article about a free app called unGlued and it’s exactly what we needed. It allows you to set screen time limits for each kid and all devices. I don’t know about you, but my kids respond strangely well to timers. If I say it’s time to turn off the iPad, they turn into grumpy little trolls…but if a timer goes off, they’re totally cool with it. I don’t understand it, but I’ll take it.
We’ve only been using the app for a couple of days, but so far so good! I think it will be incredibly useful as they get older too.
I told you. Old fries.
And he just kept saying “these so yummy, Mom”….
I definitely don’t buy everything we post on HowDoesShe Save, but I did go a little overboard during the Mindy Mae’s Market sale last week. It was kind of nerve-wracking, being that everything was final sale…but I ended up loving all the pieces I got.
These loungers are everything. So comfy and way cuter than other “sweatpants” I have. The question is…do you think I can wear them out in public? 😉
I LOVE this floral top and its relaxed fit. It’s sold out now, but this one is similar and super cute!
I got another double-hooded sweatshirt (which is also sold out), but now I’m obsessing over this new release too. I mean…holy cow. So cute.
My other favorite recent purchase is this Bobeau cold shoulder top. It’s light, flowy, and super comfy…and can even be worn with yoga pants and tennis shoes 😉 Haha. In case you were wondering, the organized part of the closet is mine. I’ll let you guess who’s responsible for the messy side…
Okay ladies…give me all your tips for keeping kids in their rooms. Somehow we won the lottery with Arden because, at 4.5, she’s never come out of her room at night. She didn’t even get out of her bed until maybe a year ago! Nash, on the other hand, is about to drive us bonkers. He’ll only fall asleep in our bed for naps and bedtime. 30 seconds after we shut the door to his room, he’s “sneaking” back out towards our room. I know it’s a phase and probably has something to do with his adjustment to being a big brother…but any tips you have would be appreciated. As much as I love to snuggle with him, I don’t want to make this a habit!
And because every post is better with a sleeping Hartley picture.
Cheers to the weekend…and getting my act together for next week 😉

I’m going to have to check out that app! Both of my littles love you tube kids, which has a timer that I love! It saves a meltdown more times than I can count!
Tell me more about the Mindy Mae’s sweatshirts!!! I think I asked you about them before, but I can’t for the life of me remember what you said. I am DYING for one of those double hooded sweatshirts, but am terrified that the size won’t fit and I don’t know how shipping with them goes. How did you know what size to get? And why did my FB not notify me that you posted about them on How Does She Save? Dang it.
I am so sorry about your week sweet friend, these days are hell and seriously testing but slowly we get back on track! Sending prayers, and coffee!
That timer app sounds amazing, so clever! That floral top and double hoodie are stunning…
We had the bed issue with our second for two months and it was so tiring and testing but we just stuck to our guns! She had to go to bed at the same time every day, we left a night light on and the door ajar, and every time she got out, we calmly walked her back to her bed until she eventually got it! It sometimes took 15 trips a night and a whole 2 months but it worked!! And now she happily skips into her room for bedtime.
Thank you for that unglued app recommendation! i’m definitely going to check that out!
The old fries makes me think of Jim Gaffigan stand up. He always has funny things to say about food :p
Oh those loungers are calling my name!
I think you can wear those pants in public. Why not?! Gabbie used to come out of her room all.the.time. It was so frustrating. I never had a good way to stop it. If we did check marks she’d cry about losing her check mark. Until we gave in to giving it back or giving her another chance. Ugh.
I LOVE those sweatpants!