I guess 4am blogging would be a better descrption. Yikes! There is something peaceful about being the only one in the house awake and having a clean first floor to myself…but still, I’d rather be sleeping!
So what’s the insomnia about? Well I started another round of steroids yesterday, because–you guessed it–my darn platelets were back down (after an exciting jump earlier in the week). Are you tired of hearing about my platelets yet? Did you even know what platelets were until recently?!?! Sorry! I’m guessing they’re the most used word in my vocabulary right now because so much depends on them. Beyond the epidural issue (which I’m still praying will work out!), having a low platelet count isn’t ideal because of the risk of bleeding during surgery. So even if I were to get a c-section with counts like they are now, I’d have to be put under–which doesn’t sound too hot to me right now either. Anyyyyway, I have complete trust in my doctor and hematologist and I know the Lord has his hands on this. Plus, no matter what happens, we get to meet our sweet baby girl at the end of it…and I am absolutely giddy about that!
SO! In non-blood related news… 😉
Arden got a new bike–and it’s probably the cutest thing E-V-E-R! She mastered the two-wheeler last fall, and when we busted it out on some nice days recently, it was pretty obvious that Little Miss Long-Legs needed something bigger. We went to the park with some of her best buds from school last week and one of the girls had the most darling Schwinn cruiser (I die!!!!)–and of course I made a mental note to do add it to our Amazon wish list when I got home. Then a few days later, I got a message from that friend’s mom saying the bikes were on sale at Sam’s Club! 2 days after that it was at our door and a certain little gal is very, very happy…especially because it has a bell 😉 Oh and don’t worry, there’s a sweet little bike basket coming too–thanks to my insomniac Amazon habits. Whoops!
I said I’d stop talking about my platelets, but the baby news will continue. As you’d expect, it’s about all we talk about these days! I’m 39 weeks now and I think the baby has dropped even a little more since this picture. I just feel like my belly is smaller and less up in my lungs–if that makes sense. Even though I’ve been a tad stressed about the unknown of delivery (you might call it PTSD from Nash’s birth, ha!) I’m trying my best to take it all in, knowing this is our final baby and my last time to experience the blessing of pregnancy. To be honest other than not being able to sleep, the steroids have made me feel pretty darn good and I can’t say that I’ve hit that “I’m so over this” stage yet. So for that I’m thankful!
I think Hazel is also realizing that life is about to change…again. Anytime I’m in the nursery, she’s right there by my side. And she’s found her new favorite sunny spot on this angel wing silhouette rug from Lorena Canals Rugs. (Good thing it’s washable!!) The rug I originally picked out from LC was out of stock, but this one worked out more perfectly than I could’ve imagined! Not only is in an ode to my beloved sorority (Pi Phi!), but I’m planning to use it for monthly baby pictures too. Eeeek! As for now though, we’ll let Hazel think it’s hers. Lord knows she needs a few things of her own in this house run by miniature people…
I’ve talked about my part-time gig with HowDoesShe a little bit around here, but if you follow our HDS Save Facebook Page–you probably know more about it than you ever wanted to. I get a lot of texts from friends telling me to knock it off with the deals…and honestly, I feel your pain 😉 That’s why I was even more excited to tell Chris that this was a GIFT–and not something that I bought! A couple of sweet friends from my mom’s group at church bought this floral outfit for Baby C after I posted it awhile back. Isn’t it the cutest?!? Love you gals! 😉
So have you guys tried Boxed.com yet? It might just be my final step in never having to set foot in a real store again 😉 I’ve raved about Wal-Mart grocery pickup recently, but now I found a place where I can get my bulk food and household items too. That means no more fighting the crowds and making countless impulse purchases at Costco and Sams. Although I will miss the pizza slices and swirl fro-yos 😉 Basically, I jump on the Boxed app, order my bulk staples–and it shows up on my doorstep a couple days later. I figure the UPS guy already despises me, so why not add a few more GIANT boxes to the mix?!? Ha!
I did a price comparison with local grocery stores and big box store, and Boxed ended up being cheaper 9 out of 10 times. The tenth time it was the exact same price. PLUS, there’s no membership fee…so that saves you at least $50/year compared to Sam’s and Costco.
I have to say I REALLY love it for paper towels and toilet paper. I only like to buy those in bulk, but they take up pretty much the whole darn shopping cart…so I’m more than happy to just have those show up on my doorstep instead!
If you’re interested, you can use this link to get $15 off your first purchase of $60, plus free shipping. After that, you usually qualify for shipping on orders of $49 or more…which we all know isn’t hard to do when you’re buying any kind of groceries!
Lastly (and completely unrelated), I think I found the maxi dress of my dreams. I told you–this HDS Save page can be dangerous for me too!! Doesn’t this just look so comfy and flattering? I’m thinking it might be a post-baby staple…
Well, the rest of the world is starting to wake now…so I guess it’s okay to eat some breakfast and start my day. Our only plans are soccer games and naps (for everyone, hopefully!)
Happy Saturday, friends!

Awwwww! So glad your so excited about the little outfit! We love you too! ?
And that bike…so cute! Isaac needs a new bike too if we can ever convince him to do anything but drive his jeep.
Thinking of you and baby girl and praying for a safe delivery! Can’t wait to hear of her arrival!
So glad you found a bike basket to match that adorable bike! Not so glad that you’re up at 4am! Hope there’s a nap on your agenda this afternoon. 😉
PS I’m totally going to try Boxed–I’m just about out of toilet paper!
Oh friend, pregnancy insomnia is the worst! But well done on being so productive… Can’t believe you are at the end now – praying for you and your platelets and a healthy delivery! x
Love these random types of posts, so that’s one plus to your insomnia! I am so excited that this is THE week for baby girl to make her appearance! Praying for your body to respond to the meds and for a happy, healthy arrival of #3! Can’t wait to meet her!!! P.S. That floral/striped outfit is beyond adorable!!!!!!
I saw you had the sweet baby on IG, I hope everything went well for you!! LOVE Arden’s new bike, so freaking adorable!! And I am always snagging those deals you post on How Does She Save, I can’t stop LOL
Listen, I may be off social media, but I still check your blog frequently just to see if your sweet baby has arrived yet! 😉 Praying happy and healthy days for you!!