Okay, well not quite yet. But soon, very soon…these beauties will be hitting the mail! Like most of you, I look forward to “Christmas Card Season” every single year! I can’t wait to check the mail each day (and neither can the kids!) to see what new treasures might be waiting for us. I also love displaying the cards we receive. It just adds some extra holiday cheer to our home!
Once again this year, we used TinyPrints for our Christmas cards. And once again, we were crazy impressed! Not only are they beautiful in person, but they were so easy to create. I really appreciate the “my photo” feature where you can see your picture in all of the designs as you browse. It makes finding “the one” so much easier!!
I won’t give it all away just yet, but here’s a sneak peek of our cards. I ADORE them! And I just couldn’t help it…the GLITTER was calling my name this year!!
Also, I can’t believe there will be another little name on our card next year! Eeeeek!
That glitter though…ahhhh, I love it!
This year I chose to customize our envelopes and I’m sure glad I did. Doesn’t it add such a fun touch?!?
I will definitely share EVERYTHING once our cards have reached their final destinations…but I wanted to let you all know that TinyPrints is offering 50% off ALL holiday cards this week only! (Just use the code CYBERCARDS here!) And their shipping is fast, so you still have plenty of time to get it all done!
Happy Christmas Card Season, friends!
**Disclosure: This post was sponsored by TinyPrints…but all opinions are my very own!**

Ooo…the sneak peek looks great!! Yay for glitter! 🙂
The glitter was such a perfect choice! Can’t wait to see the whole thing!
Ahhh!! LOVE them(what I can see of them ;))
Team Glitter over here this year, too!! Yours look absolutely gorgeous. Can’t wait for the full reveal!!