If you were to ask my husband what we needed for baby #3, he would probably tell you, “Nothing…we already have it all.” (He’s also still wearing socks he got in high school, if that tells you anything.) However, if you were to ask me, I would tell you about all of the awesome *new* things that I can’t wait to try with this baby. It’s only been two years since Nash was born, but I already feel like the gear, the clothes, the decor…it has all changed! And in a really good way!
I was recently introduced to a company called The Baby Cubby, and I immediately got lost in their Cubby Picks. I don’t care if you’re a first time mom or a FIFTH time mom…the world of baby “stuff” is overwhelming…and it’s so nice to have someone else do the research for you. When I was pregnant with Arden, I spent hours pouring over registry books, websites, and even making a spreadsheet of my own “must haves”. Let me tell you, this is a heck of a lot easier! The Baby Cubby’s goal is not to just sell stuff–but to be a resource to moms and dads. Their team of seasoned parents find the best and safest baby gear and provide it to people like you and me in a fun shopping experience. Oh and they price match–even for Amazon!
With the help of the Cubby Picks and other BC resources, I pulled together my ultimate Third Baby Wish List. It includes things that I wish had been around for my first two (or that I’d known about!)…and a few cute girl things. Because baby girl stuff has gotten even MORE darling…if you can believe that!
1. DockATot – I’ve been seeing these everywhere on social media and I’m dying to have one for this babe. Not only will it be great for lounging, playing, tummy time, etc…but I’ll feel so much better knowing the baby is safe and secure in this when she ends up in our bed at night. I mean, it’s inevitable!
2. Little Unicorn Cotton Quilt, Watercolor Rose – I have been swooning over this pattern since I found out we were having a girl. It’s going to take some restraint not to decorate the entire nursery in “watercolor rose”…but we’re for sure going to need this sweet quilt. I have looked at making my own quilt for the baby as there are many quilt patterns for free that I can refer to, and I think it would be a nice personal touch for us to do. I’ll have to mull it over more.
3. Baby Bling Knot Headband – In every color, please! These look so soft and comfy for baby’s head. Poor Arden always had a tiny elastic indention all the way around her head 😉 I’m also dying over this floral bonnet!!
4. Natursutten Rounded Pacifier – I’ve heard great things about these pacifiers…and I don’t think you can wrong with 100% natural. I’m probably going to need some of these suede pacifier clips too. So cute, right?
5. Owlet Baby Monitor – I’m a worry wart. I can’t help it. That’s why I know this little monitor, which tracks the baby’s oxygen levels and heart rate, would help me sleep so much better.
6. Baby Jogger Glider Board – Well, what do ya know, Arden made her way on to the baby’s wish list! I love my City Select SO much, and I can’t wait to see it in action with 3 kids. Arden can stand on this glider board while Nash and the baby take the 2 seats up front.
7. Ollie World Swaddle Blanket – The first time I heard about the Ollie Swaddle, Nash was just about done with swaddling–and I was so sad! I’ve heard it works miracles…and the fact that you can change the baby’s diaper without unswaddling them blows my mind. Genius!
8. Fridababy Fever Frida Thermomitor – Have you seen this?! There’s nothing worse than waking a sick baby to check their temperature…and now we don’t have to! You just stick a little bluetooth monitor under baby’s arm, and the data is sent right to your phone. A serious game changer!
If you haven’t checked out The Baby Cubby yet, you can do so through Facebook, Instagram, or the Cubby Community Blog!
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by The Baby Cubby, but all opinions and selections are my own.

Why do they come out with cooler things all the time. Don’t they know that it makes it hard on us mommas who had a baby or two already? Ha ah! I love all of your wants.
Seriously, they are always making so many cool new things that I wish I had with my first baby!
We just got the Owlet for our third baby and I LOVE it! I sleep so much better when I can see that green light glowing in the middle of the night and I know she’s okay!
Now we just need to plan your neighborhood sprinkle! I know exactly what to get you! 😉
If it were up to my husband he’d say just diapers. =/ I’m excited to get our dockatot though because just diapers aren’t going to cut it!
This is a GREAT list! I LOVE Little Unicorn. My goodness they have the prettiest things.
I need that Frida Fever in my life! But then I’m the silly mom who doesn’t trust those damn digital thermometers either…
Got the Ollie swaddle for my second. Worth every dollar! Wish I would have had it for my first as it would have made things a lot easier sleeping wise!
They are always coming out with new super cool things for babies! Luke isn’t quite a year and there are definitely things on this list that I had never heard of when he was born. I’m so excited for you! xoxo
Ha! Chris and Scott would get along just smashingly. Scott still wears (these hideous) shirts that I’m positive he owned before I ever met him.
I have my fingers and toes crossed that the Doc-A-Tot makes its way to Baby #3. I’ve heard nothing but rave things about it!
The ollie swaddle is incredible! I’m definitely trying the dock-a-tot next time.
Oh that knot headband, love!! And if I ever had another, that owlet moitor would be on my list!