Height: 32.5 inches
Weight: 25 lbs
Teeth: 11
You are a year old! How did that happen? No really…how?!? It literally feels like yesterday that we were bringing home a little 7 pounder, and now I’m watching you sleep on the monitor–fast asleep, your chubby body taking up half of the crib. You’ve turned into such a little person…with a BIG personality. Here’s what happened during the last month of your first year…
You follow directions…when you want to, of course. You bring us things, you give Hazel treats, and you “go crazy” on command. It’s truly amazing how much you can already understand!
Since Arden’s preschool drop-off and pick-up times also happen to be your nap times, I try to push you to one nap those days. It gets a little dicey by the end of the day and a few times you’ve started crawling up the stairs saying “night-night”. It breaks my heart! Needless to say, I don’t think you’re ready to transition to one nap.
You’re good at making friends in stores and at restaurants. It must be the waving and the peek-a-boo playing 🙂
The other day I opened a lower kitchen cabinet and found a mini pumpkin. Your little surprises around the house always make me smile.
You have a tendency to steal my phone, and before I even realize it’s gone I hear “Sorry Vanessa, I didn’t get that.” Siri if your buddy.
I think you heard someone say you were becoming a toddler and you decided it was due time for some tantrums. When you don’t get what you want you flail, throw your body on the ground, roll around spastically, scream at the top of your lungs–or all of the above. Seems a little early for all that attitude, but then again, you tend to do everything early.
When Arden chants “let’s go Royals,” you start clapping. A KC fan in the making!
You’re still nursing 3 times a day, but I hope to cut out the mid-day feeding pretty soon. I know I’ll miss it when we’re done for good, but right now I’m kind of ready. Hip hip hooray for whole milk! 😉
Just like your sister and your cousins when they were your age, you love mahna mahna. You start shaking your booty when you hear the first couple notes. I totally get it–it’s catchy!
Arden is loving hide-and-seek right now and you are her official seeker. It didn’t take you long to figure out that 9/10 times she’s behind the chair 🙂
I’ll end these monthly updates by saying thank you. Thank you for keeping me smiling during the hardest, saddest year of my life. I’m absolutely convinced that God gave you to us at a time when we needed you the most.
Love you so very much!

What an absolute sweetie- except for those tantrums! Too early for that!!! He's adorable and so full of personality!
What a sweet message at the end….it's amazing how babies can make (almost) anything better. He is just precious, by the way! I love his personality and have loved watching him grown! Even I can't believe he's already ONE!!
He is such a little stud…heartbreaking in the making (in the best way possible). I feel like he and my little Ben would love each other. I bet he's keeping you on your toes, and love to see all that personality…it really shines through in his photos! Happy one year to Nash!
What a cutie! His squish is just calling my name 😉
He is just way too cute! Makes those tantrums worth it!
Such a cutie!!! Happy belated birthday sweet boy!
Nash is such a handsome little guy!! It's amazing what they do in a year and how fast they grow. Pulls the heartstrings.
Such a handsome guy! Happy Birthday (late) Nash! Loved your month to month pictures!