Height: TBD
Weight: 22 lbs
Teeth: 3
I’m more than a week late in posting this, but that’s because you and your sister keep me b-u-s-y. However, I think I’m going to be even busier next month because you’re on the verge of becoming mobile. Yikes!!! It’s been a big month for you and you’ve smiled that sweet grin all the way through it. Here’s what you’ve been up to…
As I mentioned, we think you’re going to be crawling any day now. You’re rocking on all fours and you can army crawl when you really want to. When Arden was emptying her piggy bank one morning we found out that you’re pretty into coins…you made it all the way across the room to try to get your hands on a quarter. Sorry bud–choking hazard!
You know Arden by the pitter patter of her feet. When she comes running you start whipping your head around to get a glimpse of your favorite person 🙂 I love how much you love her!
We’ve tried a lot of new foods with you this month and still haven’t found anything you don’t like. One day at Gigi & Papa’s you ripped a hot dog bun off my plate and stuffed it in your mouth before I could even process what was happening!! I think you’re ready to ditch baby food and head straight to meat and potatoes!
It’s time to lower your crib mattress a notch. You can get from your tummy to sitting up now…and you’re pretty proud of it! It’s fun to come in after your naps and see you sitting up like a big boy.
You started waking up again once at night–usually around 4am. I know we should probably let you fuss through it but I’m just too lazy and I’ve decided it doesn’t bother me all that much. I actually love picking you up out of your crib because you wrap your arms around my neck and squeeze so hard. We can break the habit later if we need to, but for now I’ll take the midnight hugs.
You’re officially a high maintenance nurser. Basically we have to be in your room…in the dark…with the white noise on. Geez Louise! Gone are the days of feeding you while your sister eats breakfast. You’re too interested in Mickey Mouse!!
Hazel fascinates you. And she likes you too…for now. I’m afraid that when you start crawling you will join her list of small people to avoid.
Your belly laugh is the best.
You’re becoming pretty attached to me. You’ll be completely happy and content until I come in the room and then you NEED me…NOW! I don’t hate it 🙂
You like swinging…something your sister never did. We got a new playset this month (holla!) and you got your own bucket seat.
You went on your second road trip this month. We went to Hannibal to watch Luke’s baseball game and you did great the whole time. I have a feeling we’re going to be watching that guy swing his bat for many years…he’s got talent!
Although in pictures it may seem that our life is “normal” again…the truth is that I feel very far from that most of the time. But like the song says: you make me happy when skies are gray.
Love you buddy,

He is such a happy boy!!! They are just precious, Vanessa!
Hugs to you always Vanessa!! He's got to be the happiest baby, ever! And the sibling love is REAL. Aubrey just lights up anytime Rae is around and it makes me want a million more babes..
Sweet Nash! Love the pictures of him and Arden in her bed, perfect sibling pictures!
Your family continues to be in my prayers, hope you are all doing okay. Keep smiling, your family is beautiful.
Would love to see you soon, with all our kiddos…and have Boss and Evie join along too.
Thanks so much, Jess. I've been praying for your family too…just want you to know that! We would LOVE to get together soon and have the Shields' come. Let's make it happen!
HE IS SO CUTE!!! And i'm so jealous of the hugs he gives you! 🙂
He has the cutest smile. Every time I read these, I feel like you're talking about Luke! Our boys are so very similar. Luke is now mobile and you're right, get ready for BUSY! Continued prayers coming to your and your family xo
Ah man – such a gorgeous and happy boy!!! And look how much they love each other – my heart!! x
Really the best smile! Love the ones of him and Arden on the couch with her leaning back on him. Cute cute cute.
Soooooo much cuteness in one blog post! Time is truly flying! Can't believe he's 7 months already!
Oh my goodness – the leg rolls on Nash. I'm dying. Hopefully those stick around for awhile after the mobility hits.
So sweet how much he loves his big sister. The pictures of Nash and Arden together are too much.
Happy 7 Months, Nash!!
Hi Vanessa! This is random, but I am wanting to order the Odette club chairs like you have. I love them and they are exactly what I have been looking for. I remember reading that the color of yours are linen. Do you by any chance know the pattern #? I went and looked at Sam Moore fabric samples today and several different ones are in the Linen color way. Thanks so much!!! Haley
Hi Haley! Sorry it took me a little bit…the fabric wasn't listed on our receipt so I had to call and find out! It's 2293 in Linen. Hopefully that helps!! 🙂
Such a handsome & happy little guy!
Thanks Vanessa! I really appreciate it!:)
Adorable! Love to hear how much he loves Arden! Brooks is the same with Hayden, although I'm not sure Hayden appreciates all the "love" that Brooks wants to give when he is constantly trying to play with his toys or pulling his hair haha!