Height: 25″
Weight: 17+ lbs
I think I’ll just jump right into it: you might be the sweetest baby there ever was. I mean really. It’s that adorably contagious smile of yours. You draw people in with it…at the grocery store, the gym, the doctor’s office–pretty much anywhere there are people. And then they see your chunky rolls and they’re hooked. I feel their pain 😉
It’s been a big month for you…full of new skills, fun times, and of course: smiles.
You are starting to roll! I consider this a big accomplishment considering your sumo wrestler stature. That’s a lot of body to maneuver! We’ve still only seen it a couple of times each way, but I know it won’t be long before you’re a rolling machine.
Did you know the “4 month sleep regression” is a real thing? Well it is…and it’s alive and well in our house right now. You went from sleeping all night to waking up 3-4 times over the last week. YIKES. Now let’s put an end to it, mmmkay? Momma needs sleep!!!!
Your new favorite hobby: the jumperoo. You are so content just bouncing and looking out around the room. It gives you a better view of Arden too, which I think is one reason you love it so much. I was getting dinner ready the other day and I looked up to see Arden watching Frozen, and you watching Arden…with the biggest grin on your face.
We’re still not sure what color your eyes are going to be, but right now they’re a dreamy mix of dark blues and greens.
Arden has become the best little mommy to you. She is very concerned when you’re unhappy and does whatever she can to turn things around. “Look at me, Nash–I’m being silly!” “Nash, mommy’s coming” “We’re almost there, Nash!” Melts my heart to see your relationship growing.
You had your first ear infection this month {insert thumbs down}. I had a sneaking suspicion that it was bothering you right before our Oklahoma trip, so I took you in just to have them checked. Sure enough! Then 10 days of gagging down cherry antibiotics ensued. No fun, for any of us…
You are a drooling machine right now. Maybe I’ll start collecting cute bibs to fill the headband void in my heart?
We have a little game of Simon Says going lately. I coo and gurgle and you try your best to make the same noise back. You are so proud of your noises and so am I!
You’ve been eyeing my food a lot lately. Something tells me you’re going to be an eater!!
I hate to admit it, but you’ve had a cold for more of your life than not. You poor October baby 🙁 It seems like as soon as we get rid of one, another rears it’s ugly head. You’re not going to know what to do with yourself when you don’t have to get your nose sucked out 10 times a day!!
We took our first long roadtrip this month. 7 hours to and from Broken Bow…and you were a rockstar. It was a LOT of work to travel with a toddler and a baby, but totaly worth it to spend a long and wonderful weekend with our Katy friends. You also got to meet your future girlfriend, Caroline, while we were there. You two love birds were holding hands within minutes of meeting. Love 🙂
Even with a never-ending cold, an ear infection, and far less sleep than you’re used to…you’re still the happiest, sweetest little nugget around. I’m so blessed to be your momma.
Love you!

What a cutie! Hope the sleep regression ends soon- I feel your pain we just had a tough week of sleeping and Reid is just 3 months.
Love him!! Lily Caroline is a November baby and she too had a cold for the first few of her life too!!
Holy moly that was just too much cuteness for one post! He is just the cutest thing!!
Good gracious, that is one handsome little chunk of a man. I love that goofy grin! He is perfection! 🙂 I can't believe he's already rolling. Mim is trying to crawl! Where does the time go?!
He is WAY too cute – those rolls, I can't handle it!!! 🙂
So precious! I feel ya on the 4 month sleep regression. The struggle is real. We are now at 8 months so we've moved past it (had to do a little tough lovin'). He is just adorable… and dark hair!
Um, he is the hugest/cutest. That is all.
Chunky dreamboat!!!!! Adorable family. Happy 4 Months mini Chris!
His chubbiness is my favorite!!!
Aw man, his squishy rolls are delicious! Want to squeeze him!
I could just eat him up. Our boys are so similar! And boo for the sleep regression, Luke has been up every few hours all flipping month! Can't wait to see him grow this month!
I just love his squishiness!!! I bet he gets a lot of love from Arden!