Whew, what a weekend! I wish I could write more about it, but every minute spent typing is one minute spent not sleeping. Gotta take what I can get these days!!!

1. You know the mornings when they wake up and you think, “wow–you grew last night!”?! This was one 🙂
2. Arden now demands that Nash lay with her in her bed for a little bit each morning. He’s not complaining!
3. Chris and Nash hung out for a little bit on Saturday morning so that Arden and I could have some one-on-one time to decorate our gingerbread house. She really liked it…for about 10 minutes! And how do you like her new “smile”?
4. Hazel patiently waiting for a gumdrop to fall…
5.”Oh hey, dad”
6. “Operation wrap every single present” was in full force Saturday night.
7. Until someone decided that he did NOT want to fall asleep. He didn’t cry, didn’t fuss…just looked at us with this sweet little face and bright eyes. I fed him until he couldn’t eat anymore and he still didn’t doze off. As a last resort, Chris took him for a spin around the neighborhood at 1am and he finally gave in. Looking on the bright side–that sleep protest got us 6 straight hours of sleep, which I will take any day!
8. Will–the baby lover. We always joke that he was meant to be a big brother…but a good big cousin works too 🙂
9. Cookie decorating party at Gigi & Papa’s. Making memories!!
Hope you all had a fun and festive weekend! Can you believe Christmas is NEXT week?!?

Oh my word. Nash is getting so big! Why don't they stay little long?!
so cute, love how festive all the shots are. Tis the season indeed!
I love that all your presents look like they were delivered to your house. I swear Amazon is my MO this year:) I maybe went to a store for two things. #newbabyproblems
such precious pictures!! xoxo
Life looks fabulous. 🙂 Go get some sleep!!
Wow…Nash really IS growing fast! Love the pic of him and Arden in her bed. So precious!! 🙂 Hope you get some rest and that you guys have a great Christmas!
omg. how is nash getting so big! wasnt he born yesterday or something? and arden is pretty much getting the hang of the big sister thing. i'll mail lex to you and arden can show her the ropes.
gosh, I just love the two of them together!! So cute!
My heart melted with Arden and Nash in the crib. That is the sweetest thing ever. What a great big sister she is!
The new "smile" is reminiscent of the "smiles" in our house as well. 🙂