Height: 23.5 inches
Weight: 12lbs 7oz
Head: 15.5 inches
I hate even admitting this, but I spent a lot of your first month wanting you to be 4 months old. Why? Because for some reason I thought that’s when the fun really began. When you would wake up from that newborn haze and start showing us your personality. Well, either you’re super advanced or I remember nothing from Arden’s first few months (<—it’s the latter, although I do think you’re advanced–ha!)…because you are so much fun this month. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still looking forward to 3 months, and 4 months, and beyond…but I’m loving getting to know you and seeing your sweet little personality shine through a little more every day. Here’s what’s been going on this month…
You’re a smiler. You smile in your sleep, you smile when you’re awake, you smile at just about anyone—even when they’re not looking at you. My favorite is when I’ll be doing something with Arden and I look over and you’re just beaming at us. Like, “Hey guys! Look at me!”
Your baby acne cleared up at the first part of this month. I’m just glad I’m no longer tempted to pop every single zit. Talk about torture!
Sleep is getting SO much better…and I’m currently walking around the room knocking on every piece of wood I can find. After your 1 month post I had 2 friends recommend an infant probiotic…and I took my sleep-deprived self straight to Whole Foods and picked up a bottle. It took a couple days, but now after your 3am (ish) feeding you stay asleep for another 4-5 hours. And as a bonus, we give it to you in breastmilk, which has forced us to keep practicing with a bottle…you’re doing great! So thank you Kelly and Brittany for recommending the probiotic! You saved my sleep and sanity 🙂
Your hairline is still receding. Sorry dude.
We moved you to your own room right around 6 weeks. I thought I’d be sad, but honestly, I felt like a new person. No more tiptoeing, whispering, and sneezing into a pillow…ahh, freedom. So now our nights look something like this—baths at 7:00, read at 7:30, Arden in bed around 7:45, and then I’m usually done feeding you by 8:30. That gives me some time to do a few things around the house, blog, or just sit on the couch with your dad and stuff my face with Christmas cookies. Let’s just say my postpartum diet has been far from a diet. That’s what January is for though, right?
You got your first cold at 6 weeks…boo! Poor second child. It lasted almost 2 weeks and turned into a little cough at the end…but thankfully, nothing more serious than that. We are washing our hands like maniacs around here, hoping to dodge all the other sicknesses that are going around right now.
Sometimes you giggle in your sleep. It’s just as precious as it sounds.
This month you started cooing, squealing and gurgling. I love to just sit there and chat with you, and Arden’s starting to get into it too. “Say oooooh, Nash!”
Twice you went a whole week without a dirty diaper. I’ll let you guess how those streaks (no pun intended) ended. Two words: bath time. I guess I should’ve known though—your sister was the same way, and the doctors say it’s normal for breastfed babies. Normal, but messy!
You survived your first road trip to Grandma and Grandpa’s. 4 hours each way and you slept almost the whole time, with only 1 stop to eat. I know we won’t always get this lucky, so I’m very thankful!!
You just started loving your reflection. Over the weekend at Grandma and Grandpa’s you laid under the activity gym and smiled at yourself for a good 30 minutes. I don’t blame you, Mr. handsome!
Your favorite spot in the house is our makeshift changing spot on the kitchen table. You love to be naked and stare at the ceiling. Hey, whatever works!!
Still not interested in a pacifier…but we’re not giving up!! You’ve started showing some interest in your thumb, which I would whole-heartedly support just so you had a way to soothe yourself.
You’re a chunk in the making. Arden was almost 2 lbs smaller at 2 months old. Your 3 month clothes are getting a little snug and we just moved you up to size 2 diapers. The doctor told me that if I had any concerns about you getting enough to eat, that I could just throw those out the window. I think I will! 😉
And you know what’s awesome? The best part of the month is still yet to come. I know you’re far too little to enjoy it, but this Christmas is going to be even more wonderful with you around. It’ll be the first one where we spend Christmas morning in our own house…and as a family of 4 to boot! And word on the street is that Santa is bringing something that you and your sister are going to enjoy for years to come.
Love you so much, Nash Man!

Umm he is just he cutest and I love how happy and smiley he is!!! I think as a baby the months seriously keep getting better after the first one!!! And yeah for probiotics helping- seriously game changer with Maddie!!! And the last picture of those 2 is perfection.
Can't wait for Christmas fun!
He is just the cutest little old man I can't stand it!
So sweet! You're family is so precious! Glad everyone is adjusting well! He is a smiling machine!!!
We've been in a sleep regression for the past month and I'm a walking zombie. Probiotic has been added to my list to get tomorrow. Hopeful we have the same luck with it.
He's such a cutie! I kind of love the receding hairline, haha! The photos of him and Arden are so sweet – hope she's enjoying being a big sister!
Adorable! So smiley!!! Merry Christmas, you guys!
Ahh!!! I love reading these! Sounds like he and Adaline are soulmates. And totally agree…do I just not remember the first four months with Lyla? Kinda sad. 🙁
Merry Merry Christmas to your gorge family! 😉
those baby smiles!!! goodness he is a sweet little man!
So many sweet little smiles!!! 🙂
Hello from a fellow Kansas mom! I found your blog after seeing Noah's adorable room on Project Nursery. And Noah is so cute as well! I have a sweet baby girl named Ellie, just a bit older than Noah! She's my first. : ) I just uploaded her nursery to Project Nursery too. http://projectnursery.com/projects/ellies-whimsical-lovely-nursery/ Such a neat site for inspiration! Just wanted to give you a shoutout since you don't see a ton of fellow Kansans in the blogosphere. Happy New Year!
Nash is just simply adorable!!!