Can I just say that I l-o-v-e-d this weekend? Loved it as in, when I close my eyes and dream about fall {come on, you know you do it too}…this weekend was it. The pumpkin patch, family, a fall festival…and more pumpkins. Yes please.
Saturday morning started off the way that every Saturday morning should: cartoons in bed.
It may have taken me 5 years to do it, but I finally convinced Chris that we needed a TV in our bedroom. I think he was always afraid that I’d be up at odd hours watching Don’t Be Tardy or something ridiculous…like I would ever do such a thing!
Clearly I’m not the only one who was excited about the new setup…

After some Mickey and a little breakfast, we got ready to hit the pumpkin patch. Chris took one look at Arden’s outfit and said, “are we getting pumpkins or going to a fashion show?”
I told him not to worry about it 😉

We went to Kerby Farm in Bonner Springs and Arden had the BEST time! There were tons of activities (we were there for over 2 hours) and it was perfect for younger kids.
First stop: the tractor table.

This sweet girl had been talking about the pumpkin patch for days, so I’m glad that it lived up to her expectations!

Later that day I told Arden, “you’re thirsty!” Her response? “Yep. Like the pigs.”
The child doesn’t forget anything, I tell you!

At our family pictures a couple of weekends ago, my friend Ali showed Arden how to use her camera. She took some pretty artsy fartsy shots that day that made us laugh, but this one from the pumpkin patch…it’s actually really good!

The corn maze itself wasn’t a huge hit, but old ears of corn were like hidden treasures.
“Ders another corn!”

I swear I just gave birth to her yesterday…and now she’s riding rides without me?!?

“I got this, guys!”

Popcorn pitstop. When it was all gone, she was shaking the crumbs out of the bag and into her mouth. I can assure you she didn’t learn that move from me (ahem…Chris)!

Another thing she learned from her father? The old hay-in-the-mouth, farmer look.
Nailed it…

For Arden, the pumpkin patch itself was almost as thrilling as all of the games.
I’m sure she could’ve run up and down the rows all day.

She loves me, I promise…

See 🙂

At lunchtime we headed home with some good pumpkins…

And great memories.

I can’t believe next year we’ll be going back with TWO kids. That’s just complete craziness! By the way, the nice stranger who took our picture must’ve been some kind of wizard photographer, because she managed to make me not look almost 38 weeks pregnant. It’s a little more obvious from other angles–I can promise you that much!!
Even though it was almost 2:00 when we got home, I talked Arden into a nap with the promise that her cousins would be at our house after she woke up. Her head hit the pillow so fast, and I’m telling you, she didn’t move from that position for 2.5 hours. Her love for those kids is fierce!
That evening we hit up the church Fall Festival, and kicked things off with an awkward family photo… 🙂

From the look on Arden’s face here, I think she was planning a getaway with all the Trunk-or-Treat candy they had collected!

Between the bounce houses, the cupcake walk, and tons of carnival games…it’s safe to say that the kids had a pretty fantastic time. And did I mention there was candy involved? 😉

And face painting too!
Tell me, have you ever seen such a cute little kitty in your whole life?!

We ended the evening with a Royals victory, fireworks from our porch, and a bunch of crazy cousins (my child being the craziest) running around the house. It was perfect.
Are you all fall-ed out yet? I hope not, because that was just Saturday 😉
Sunday after church we ventured out to get mums and a few more pumpkins for our front porch…

Arden is serious about the fact that every little pumpkin (pretty much in the world) is meant for her baby brother. I hope she’s as sweet of a big sister as she’s leading us to believe she’ll be! 😉

I can now officially check “decorate porch” off of my before-baby to-do list.
Because that’s totally important, right?

I snuck away for a pedicure during nap time (which was awesome!), and we wrapped up our weekend with frozen pizza and some basement golf lessons…

I’d say our first fall back in the sunflower state is off to a good start!

This looks like such a fun weekend! So glad you guys are making some lasting memories with just the three of you before baby #2 makes his appearance! (:
Love it! Ashlynn has a memory like nothing else either, they would be trouble together! Those boots are so cute! And the first picture of her through the tunnel almost doesn't look real, great shot!
What a tiny fashionista! Looks like a great weekend!
Whew! What a weekend!! That pumpkin patch looks seriously amazing– and pumpkin patches ARE fashion shows. Silly guy. I love each and every picture!!
What a fun weekend! Love all the pictures, Arden has the best outfits!!
Love the pictures!! Please share what brand of cowgirl boots you are wearing!
Such fun!! 🙂
omg those pictures are to die for! and her outfit is spot on! i can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch with blair!
The memory thing…yes! So crazy! Hayden talks about things that happened months ago…I can hardly remember when I did yesterday! Looks like a great weekend, I love all of her adorable outfits 🙂
I love it! Totally best weekend material. Thirsty, like the pigs! I love when they recall those things, still blows my mind.