Do you know hard it is to get a decent bump picture these days?!? It seems like the only photographer available when I’ve actually showered is about 3 feet tall and can’t be trusted with a camera. So this game day pic will have to do for now…

Movement: Things have officially gotten weird when you can make out which body parts are protruding from your stomach 😉
Unglamorous body changes: In the words of my doctor, “his head is right there!” As if I didn’t already know from those lovely lightning bolt pains. I guess I should just be thankful that he is head-down…but wowzer!
Maternity Clothes? Today I bought a non-maternity sweater to wear for newborn pics…it was strangely exciting!
Food cravings: Let’s just say I need Halloween to be over!!!
What I miss: Tailgating without a cold beer just seems wrong.
Anything making you queasy: Nope!
Milestones: Baby’s brain and lungs are fully maturing over the next couple of weeks!
Best moments this week:
2. Arden going through all of her things and telling me how she’s going to “share them with her baby brudder”
3. Washing tiny newborn clothes!

2.5 months ago we ordered a gray slipcovered couch from Nebraska Furniture Mart. Since then they’ve delivered a white couch not once, but twice. Finally I just decided that there was a reason for all of this…that reason being: I am meant to have a white couch 🙂 It’s the look I wanted from the beginning, but just didn’t seem practical with kids. It most definitely IS NOT practical with kids, but I am bound and determined to make it work for us.
So cheers to stain protection services and washable slipcovers!!!!
And parties where we only serve white wine! 😉

Love the couch and the model on it is adorable 😛
I'm feel like I'm going through all the same things you are at 37 weeks! You look great! I have a slip covered couch and I wash it all the time so I think you will be completely ok with white. We need a tour your newly decorated house! It's beautiful!
Okay, that makes me feel much better about the couch! I actually like the idea of being able to wash it often…I'm sure our old couches were pretty nasty after awhile! Hope you're feeling great, mama! We're in the home stretch 🙂
You look so cute!
pretty sure that's why things like scotch guard were invented. you get down with your white couch self 🙂 and happy 37 weeks!! youre so so so so so so close!!
I can't believe they sent it twice in the wrong color! Totally meant to be 🙂 Arden sure looks like she's comfy!
Your home is gorgeous and you are the cutest pregnant lady ever! Remember this is Janel not John haha!
It always takes me off guard for just a second…like, wait–no guys read my blog!!! 😉 Thanks lady!!
Oh my gosh…you look fabulous! Too flippin' cute! And how sweet is Miss A? She's going to be a fabulous big sissy! The couch looks awesome (and I agree that it had to have been "meant to be")…those colors are perfection. I'm LOVING that dark teal color right now!
Lastly…YAY for your wildcats winning (and covering the spread) last weekend! Points for me in the pick 'em pool! 🙂
UM. You're the cutest at 37 weeks, seriously!! and white couches are what my dreams are made of!! you go mama!
You look amazing mama and it sounds like you are all ready for your lil guy to come! Enjoy these last few weeks with just Arden and good luck with delivery…I hope you have a fast & easy one:)
Yay for 37 weeks! I curse my almost white carpet everyday when I'm on my hands and knees scrubbing, but oh how it's exactly what I had envisioned haha! 🙂
Your KSU picture caught my eye on BlogLovin, so I had to pop over here and say hello because we're living here in Manhattan! My little family and I moved here last month, and we are loving Kansas so far. Anyway, just wanted to say hello! 🙂
You have no idea how jealous I am…I would LOVE to live in Manhattan!!! Glad you're enjoying Kansas so far though…I really hope winter doesn't change your mind 😉 Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!
You look AMAZING!!! 37 weeks – eeeep!
That couch – YES! 🙂