Normally if I go more than a week and don’t get to blogging about something, I just “let it go”…in the words of Arden’s beloved Elsa 😉 Not this time though…I want to be able to look back many years from now and remember the first few nights in our new home!
It all started last Friday morning when the moving trucks pulled in…and we realized that we have entirely too much stuff!!

It seems crazy, but I’d say about half of the things that came off the truck went into the basement (hallelujah–a basement!) and were labeled “garage sale/good will”. It really truly looks like an episode of hoarders down there, so I plan to put my nesting instincts to work over the next couple months and clear that place out!
The move went smoothly except for one thing: a foot-long gash in my brand new hardwood floors {insert screams of horror!} The good news is that the moving company has been awesome and plans to get it fixed fast…phew!

Once we were left with our mountains of boxes, my parents brought Arden over to the house–where her room (and the books she’d missed so much) were the first items to be unpacked…

I take that back–I think the TV was technically the first thing to make it out of boxes. Because that’s sooo important, right?! Men!!!!

I need to take a quick timeout to thank my parents…because they’re just awesome. Not only did they let us live with them for 2.5 months (that alone deserves and award!), but they’ve also bent over backwards to help us during the moving process. They unpacked, they cleaned, they fed us…but most importantly, they kept Arden happy and busy. If it weren’t for Gigi and Papa, I’m afraid to guess how many hours of Mickey-viewing my poor child would’ve racked up that weekend!!
Instead, she had so much fun that she was out cold on her first night in the house…with a few good friends.

When she woke up on Saturday morning she told me, “Arden sleep in the new house!”
The new house that was still full of boxes…

Boxes that we slowly picked away at…

Meanwhile, this one was having a reunion with all of her old books and toys. She was so content!

I was organizing the pantry and she would run in every 5 minutes to show me her “new” toys.
So if I’ve learned one thing it’s that we need to hide half of her toys for 3 months, reintroduce them, and never spend money on new stuff again! 😉

We took a few breaks throughout the weekend just to stay sane…one of which was the pool. I promise Arden had more fun than she appears to have had in this picture!

And her dad? For some reason I kept finding him hiding out here… 😉

But at the end of the weekend, I’m proud to say we were down to only a couple rooms full of boxes…and even though it was still quite empty, it was starting to feel like a home 🙂

Oh and see that couch? I returned it today. Ridiculous, right?! Chris didn’t even know you could return furniture…haha…boy, did I show him! Long story short, while it was a beautiful sofa, I decided it was just too modern and fancy-looking for us. I really wanted something cozy and inviting…something I could snuggle up and read to my kids on over the years. So now we just have to wait another 6-8 weeks (ahhh) for a new gray slipcovered beauty to arrive. It’s the most comfortable couch ever–and much more me. Or should I say us…poor Chris has been forced to convert to my decorating style over the last 5 years 😉

And just because, here are a few more shots of the fun we’ve had in our new place this week…

I can already tell we’re going to put the screened-in porch to good use. All the goodness of fresh air–with no sunscreen required 😉 Plus it makes a great place for a beanie baby picnic…

We scoped out the lake and walking trail down the street. Another place we’ll visit frequently!

We’ve also had lots of fun guests. Arden’s been pretty much waiting her whole life to have her cousins over for popsicles on a random Monday night 🙂

And of course, we read…a LOT. One day I couldn’t even get the child to come out of her room!!!

This house has a long way to go, but I’m so happy and thankful we’re here.
It just feels right 🙂

Yay! So happy for you guys. Your house looks gorgeous and I'm sure it feels great to be in your own space!! 🙂
your home looks amazing! so happy you're ale to get unpacked and starting to settle so quickly!
So happy for you, it looks amazing!!
I LOVE the screen-in porch! So fabulous!! And I'm a teensy bit jealous of your getting to unpack and organize things – I love to do both of them! Thanks for sharing some glimpses into your beautiful home and family!
What would we do without our parents?! So glad you are living close to them again!
Your house is coming along beautifully!!!!
You better let me know when you have that garage sale, I'd like to check thru all your goodies!
Enjoy your new home!
So glad you are settling in! I can't wait to see it all finished! And I need a screened in porch in my life asap…fresh air without sunscreen is like heaven to this mama!
Congrats on your New Casa… it's Absolutely Stunning! We move in T-2 weeks and we've been living with my poor parents for the past 10 months! I am beyond excited but also so overwhelmed! If you have any tips that really helped I would greatly appreciate them! I'm especially nervous changing everything on Estella but seeing Arden loving her new place helps assure me she will do fine:)
Also I've been looking for the perfect orb chandelier and I'm in love with the one in your dining room, can I ask where you got it?
Love your new home and especially the kitchen and screened in porch! So awesome!! Congrats again!
Man, you are on top of it! That's some great progress for a weekend. The new house is gorgeous. Glad you're all so happy there!
Ohhhh myyyyy gosh! That screened in patio. Jealous…there's no other way to put it, I'm just crazy jealous! 🙂 You've made so much progress in a short amount of time. Can't wait to see the pics as you continue to make it your "home!"
The floor!! NOOOO!!!
Screened in porches are where it's at. SO awesome.
The men installing the TV right away made me lol because its 100% so spot on for every dude anywhere.
oh I just love this!!
I'm so glad you're getting all settled in! Your home is gorgeous! I love seeing Arden read so much!
I'm eating up these posts. It is the cutest that she is so excited about her books. I'm pretty good at shuffling her toys around from the living room to her room to the storage boxes she can't reach. But she's never so excited about the toys, and more into the books – no complaining here!
I'm loving your new home! From the looks of it you guys are too!
Congrats! It looks beautiful and homey already! And you made seriously impressive progress in one weekend- wow!
Drooling over your kitchen. And fireplace. And sofa. And ottoman.
I absolutely love that ottoman! And your house is beautiful!
Every detail in your house is just beautiful! Where did you find those gorgeous club chairs?
Thank you!! We got them at Nebraska furniture mart, but I'm sure you could find them at any other furniture store. They're by Sam Moore and the style is the Odette. Hope that helps! 🙂