Happy Friday, friends! I’m linking up with Karli for OHF and sharing a few highlights from our fun and busy week!
So this happened on Tuesday…

It was only a 2 hour “get acquainted” day, but I still managed to get a little sappy about it. Arden, on the other hand, walked right in like she’d done it every day of her life…and came out with the biggest smile ever! She told me she played on the playground and ate Cheezits. Sounds pretty sweet to me!
And in case you were wondering, she didn’t go to school barefoot…although she was pretty close at one point! Being the awesome mom I am, I put her in shoes that were apparently too small (but reallllly cute) for church on Sunday–and she came out with a little blister that has rocked our world all week. Needless to say, the close-toed shoe rule at school brought on some drama…but she ended up wearing socks under her crocs.
And for her sake, I didn’t document that nerdiness…

We did a 3D ultrasound this week, and all I can say is that I’m so IN LOVE. I just can’t stop staring at this picture…even if it does look like he’s carved out of a block of cheese 😉
9.5 more weeks!

In other baby news, we (and by we I mean Chris…he likes to paint for some strange reason) finished the nursery walls. Hooray for navy!!! I’m so happy with the way it turned out.
We also set up the crib and moved in some tubs of my nephew’s old clothes, which I think made Hazel realize that something was going on.
“Oh please…not another one!”

On Monday I got a call saying our kitchen chairs, which we’d been waiting on for a month, were now backordered until January. JANUARY!!!! The sales person tried to talk me into coming back in to make another selection, but I just couldn’t let go of the table…so I decided to search for new chairs instead.
Now that was Monday…and on Thursday, 6 of these beauties were delivered.

Wayyy better than waiting until January…and I actually like them more than the originals! I think they give the table a whole new look and keep it from being too matchy-matchy.
My chair model seems to be a fan too…

A special thanks to my dear friend Darci, who dealt with all of my crazy chair emails/texts and helped me to pick out the right color for our house. Thank goodness for that girl and her impeccable taste!
Tomorrow is the big day. My baby turns TWO.
Oh my. It seems like we went from this…

to this…

…in the blink of an eye.
So while there’s much to do, and a party to throw…my goal this weekend is to slow down and take it all in…and just enjoy our sweet two-year-old.
And let her eat as many donut holes as her little heart desires 🙂
Hope you enjoy your weekend too!

Your new chairs are awesome!! Love them, also your ultrasound picture is just precious! What a clear picture!
Love that sweet ultrasound pic!! And happy early birthday to Arden! It seems like yesterday we were planning 1st birthdays!
Stopping by from the link up! Your lil one is so cute! And the pregnancy how exciting!!! Enjoy your weekend 🙂
HAPPY BDAY ARDEN!!! Love this whole post, enjoy your weekend, mama! XO
Oh my! That baby face! He's adorable!
Great post. Fun week!
Happy Birthday to Arden!!!!
I teared up seeing the picture of Arden going to Mother's Day Out and at the picture of your sweet little "block of cheese" baby boy 🙂 How sweet!! And I'm in love with your chairs, they are perfect!! If it makes you feel any better, I have been crying all week that Nora is turning two next month. TWO?!?
I don't quite recall how I stumbled upon your blog, probably sifting through Bloglovin', but I really enjoyed looking at the pictures from your daugther's first birthday party! Cute, Cute!
And now I, think I'll give OHF a try on my blog. Thanks!
Happy Birthday sweet Arden girl!!
LOVE the chairs! Where are they from! And I can't believe Arden is going to be 2 already!!!! We wereJUST celebrating her first birthday! Happy birthday sweet girl!
I am obsessed with your kitchen! I love those tables! Way to go, looks beautiful 🙂
Donut holes…an excellent way to spend a birthday! Blink of an eye though. ooph. Happy Birthday Arden!
Those chairs are my fav! From target?? & Arden looks so tall against that chair– happy birthday sweet girl!
So precious! You crack me up with not wanting to document her nerdiness. I would have done the exact same thing! Lol. 😉 Yay for your sweet girl turning two and for getting the nursery painted! It looks beautiful! And your pup…oh, my. Looks like ours. What is with their attitude with our babies?! Have a sweet weekend, girlfriend!
Happy TWO sweet Arden!! And I love love love the chairs AND the navy walls! And your sweet little man!!
LOL at carved out of a block of cheese! Hope you all have a great time celebrating Arden's birthday!
Arden is too cute on the first day of MDO! And baby boy! EEEE! So squishy and sweet! Navy walls look awesome with your JL crib! And those chairs are great.
Love your kitchen table and chairs! Where is your table from?
1.) I heart you.
2.) Can I have Arden? Please?
3.) Those chairs are perfection. Love that we are going to be house twins. Although yours is 82 times larger. 😉
4.) FIVE ON FRIDAY IS COMING BACK!!! Stay tuned for details!!!!!!