So I have a major case of pregnancy-brain…with a little bit of moving-brain and I-don’t-get-enough-sleep-brain mixed in there too. I’ve been mixing up dates, forgetting where I put everything…and now totally spacing out about blog posts I’ve already written!
Sara is one of my favorite bloggers, so when she asked me to be a part of her Dog Days of Summer series awhile back, I was all in! I’m so happy for Sara and her growing family and hope that she’s soaking up every minute with sweet little Marion. She is such a beauty!!!
Anyway, hop on over to Running from the Law to hear about Hazel & Arden’s dysfunctional, yet kind of sweet, sisterly relationship. Thanks again to Sara for inviting me to be a part of such a fun series!

By the way, this sweet smooshy face is still at my parents’ house and I’m missing her desperately!

Our fence was just installed yesterday, so even though we have a newly-sodded and muddy yard, I’m planning to pick her up on Friday and bring her to her new house. It’ll be worth the dirty paws and extra cleanup to have her back with us!
Now don’t make me regret saying that, Hazel… 😉