Sorry, no free donuts here…just some fun pics of a playdate with LOTS of sugar! And aren’t those the best kind, after all?!
Arden and I spent this past Friday morning with her friends Jackson, Owen & Claire for a very fun little pajama party! My takeaways from this little shindig?
-These kids are so darn cute…and hilarious.
-I love their mamas–our time together is always a treat!
-Claire is such a beauty! {maybe next time my child will actually let me hold her!!}
-Emily is super-mom…a toddler and a 2-week old and she threw a full-on Valentine’s play date. I want to be her when I grown up! 😉
-My child, who had only had one donut before that day, ate her weight in donut holes. I guess she’s a fan?!
-Even perfect parties end in chaos–and that makes them even better 🙂
I mean, just look at these cuties.
{note: Arden shoving a donut hole into her mouth}

Sweet buddies!

Owen thinking, “Arden’s eating all the food!!!”

Let the craziness begin!

Claire must be wondering what she’s gotten herself into 🙂
She such a little doll baby!

He’s a hoot! That actually looks pretty comfortable, J!

A picture where they’re all looking at the camera?! Nothing short of a miracle!

True life–this is how playdates end 🙂

Such a fun morning with my sweet “computer friends”!! 😉
Let’s do it again soon, girls!!! XOXO
On a more serious note, I want to ask you all for prayers for my dear friend’s little baby, Kendall. It was a really scary weekend that ended with Kendall in the hospital with meningitis…and it looks like she’ll be there for at least a couple more weeks. Please pray for the doctors and nurses caring for Kendall, for complete healing of her little 3-month-old body, for comfort for her family, and rest for her very tired and concerned parents. She is a little fighter and we know that she’s going to continue to improve rapidly. God is good!

First of all praying for your friend! Second, Arden in cowboy boots + donuts + the cutest little boys ever + awesome blogger friends….that is like the most perfect play date ever!
So precious…and that little table?! BLESS IT! Cuteness overload!!!! 🙂
PJ's, side-pony tails and cowboy boots, doesn't get much sweeter than that!
Meningitis is super scary, but I can't imagine with a 3 mo old. I will be thinking of your friends this week.
Sending lots of prayers…So scary, poor baby and poor parents!!! The party play date looks like an absolute blast! How fun and the kids look too dang cute:)
What a fun playdate! It looks like a success for everyone!! Sending prayers to your friend and her baby…how scary!
What a fun play date! And I'll be keeping baby Kendall in my thoughts! 🙁
Looks like such a fun play date! When my child was 2 weeks old my house was a disaster and I don't think I even wore a shirt for the first 2 weeks, let a lone invite people into my home. Emily IS a rockstar haha!
Prayers for baby Kendall!
no lie. i LOVE THEM. this looks like a blast. . i'm only sad i wasnt invited (next time). . . .
How cute is this?! I wish I was throwing parties when I had a two week old!
Such a fun play date. And those littles are all beyond adorable. Donut holes for the win!
Keeping your friend and her little one in my prayers.
What a great play date! Arden and Nora seem to share the same love of donuts 🙂 I will definitely be praying for your friend and her baby. Praying for fast healing and for God's peace to encompass them. How scary!
Cutest valentine party ever ever ever!! Love those little kiddos.
Arden and I are kindred spirits when it comes to pastries. We don't play around.
Praying for Kendall.
Those three are just two cute & HOW much fun!!!!
Thoughts your way for sweet baby Kendall.
This is the cutest thing ever! I wish I had some sweet blogging friends close by to have fun play dates with! :o)
Awesome. I'm just seeing this …. two full weeks later! :/ Better late than never, I suppose. I really and truly love the outtakes…..such a fun little trio and so much smiling, laughing and chaos! CANNOT BEAT THAT. So very thankful for my computer friends {{{ that saying is my all time favorite!}}}.
And now, for dinner…. all I want are donut holes. Lots and lots of donut holes!