We’ve been busy lately…and yet I feel like I have nothing to share on the ol’ blog!
Our quest to get Arden into a Mother’s Day Out program in the Fall (which some days seems more like trying to get her into college!), Monday nights with Juan, and the ongoing Suits marathon that Chris and I have going (not to mention my enormous Harvey crush)…well, they hardly seem blog-worthy!
So instead, enjoy a few fun pictures from the last week. The theme? Arden and her boys 🙂

1. Arden recently decided that she loves Ring Around the Rosie. At a playdate last week she just walked up to Henry and grabbed his hands like, “okay, let’s dance!”
2. Last Friday we got to hang out with sweet baby Will. I have honestly never seen so many adorable rolls in my life…he is scrumptious!
3. Meanwhile Arden tested out the baby toys with Will’s big brother, Blake 🙂 She may be refusing the hug, but Arden had a great time hanging with the T boys!
4. “Hi Cow!!!”
5. Why do I feel it necessary to take her picture in front of Ikea as if it’s Disney World?
6. Pure Joy 🙂
7. Hi, my name is Vanessa and I’m addicted to Old Navy girls clothes. Lucky for Arden…not so much for Chris!
8. One of our Ikea buys–new bookshelves! I originally set out to get the spice racks after a friend told me they could double as bookshelves, but unfortunately they were all out that day. I think these picture shelves turned out great though…and our little reader definitely approves of her new book nook!
9. When the dads are away, the moms and kiddos will play! My friend Meagan’s husband was traveling at the same time as Chris, so we took the kids to a local family restaurant that has picnic tables and a playground for them to play. Genius! And the perfect evening activity when “Da-Da” is away. I am so so thankful for good friends here 🙂
Happy Tuesday from sunny Texas!

I feel the exact same way! So so so busy but nothing to really blog about. I think January is weird like that 🙂
#5 description made me laugh out loud, "Ikea as if it's Disney", so great!
The book shelves are genius. It's about time we invest in something like that. It looks like a tornado of books hit M's room and I'm over it.
That bath tub pic – SO sweet!
Ring around the Rosie has become popular here too! And laughed out loud at your comment about Disney World… So maybe I'd rather go to Ikea. 😉
Ikea literally is the Disney World of all stores! Someone could seriously right an entire novel on how to navigate around that store 🙂 I'm loving those cute little book shelves though. How wonderful that they are right at Arden's level so she can read anytime she wants!
Love ikea, it's Disneyworld to me!!! 😉
We are loving Ring around the Rosie right now too. Stella's favorite part is laying on the floor I don't even get around the circle once and down she goes;) The new reading nook looks great and we are so jealous of your sunny weather…Lucky girls!
I love the shelves! I think I might be needing to add those to Everdeen's room! 🙂