Height: TBD
Weight: TBD…heavy! 🙂
Clothing size: 18-24 months & 2T
Shoe size: 5
Weight: TBD…heavy! 🙂
Clothing size: 18-24 months & 2T
Shoe size: 5
Number of teeth: 16
17 months? How can this be? Really…how?!? My sweet girl, you are turning into such a big kid right before our eyes. I didn’t realize it until we were looking through old photos the other day, but your baby fat is slowly disappearing. {Insert tears} But it’s okay, it really is…because for every bit of babyness that you’re losing, we’re learning more about who you are and seeing your sweet little personality come through.
Lately your favorite evening activity is spinning around in circles until you get dizzy and fall over. I mean, who doesn’t love that, right?! We hear you all the time singing “ashes, ashes…blah blah down!” You could be in the middle of the worst tantrum ever but if I sing that song and you just start spinning and laughing. A good trick to keep in my back pocket 🙂
Speaking of tantrums…we’ve experienced quite a few this month. They mainly occur when you’re getting your diaper changed or your face wiped off after a meal. And don’t judge me if you look back at pictures one day and see you had lots of runny and gunky noses…sometimes I just have to pick my battles!
You never cease to amaze me with how smart you are. You can count to 3 and then throw in 5 and 8 after that…one of these days we’ll get all 10, but you’ve got time 🙂 You know most farm and jungle animals (although elephants are all Dumbo to you) and the other day we were reading the “Yawn” book and you pointed to a page and said “mole!” Yep, that’s a mole you little sponge.
When it comes to food, you are all about breakfast, lunch and snacks…and I’m realizing that’s probably because we cycle through a lot of the same options. So when dinner rolls around and it’s something new (okay, when it’s anything other than mac n cheese) you want nothing to do with it. I mean, you won’t even let it get close to your lips. I know it will get better but my, oh my, it can be frustrating!
I’d like to say you’re learning manners, but right now it’s more that you’re learning polite words. You love to tell me “biss-ooo”…even Hazel gets a bless you after she sneezes 🙂 We’re also working on “please” and “thank you”, and I have to say there’s nothing cuter than giving you a snack and hearing “tank you mama!” Just the other day I was buckling you into your car seat and you saw a toy on the floor that you wanted (it could’ve been anything–the back of my car is scary!). You were crying and pointing, but I couldn’t tell what you wanted…so I asked you and you told me “help please”. While that wasn’t exactly helpful, you had the right idea!
One last little thing that I love…whenever we try to bundle you up in a blanket you say “uh oh toes!!” then search around until you can see them poking out of the bottom. So darn cute.
Well girly, thank you for another great month. There is nothing better in this world than being your mommy.
Love you!

What a sweet, well mannered little angel! And why do they all have to HATE getting their faces wiped?
She's adorable! It's crazy how much they learn in one month! xo
She is just the sweetest! "Ashes, ashes… blah blah down!" SO CUTE!! She is precious and I love following along on your IG 🙂
So sweet! Love hearing about your girl! I am with you- Lily Caroline is loosing some of her baby fat too and it makes me so sad! And my car *sigh* looks like we live in it! 😉
diapers why diapers?! too bad we can't just tell them to use the potty haha! and the face thing was an issue for us too – I taught her how to do it and we just practiced a lot and now she can do r herself enough that we am avoid the tantrums 🙂
K sweetest post ever! You win, she is a doll!
So, I just looked back at some day in the life posts and can't believe how much Aria doesn't look like a baby anymore. You just don't see it until you compare an older picture. But, it is the best learning more about their personalities every day! I love it! Happy 17 months Arden!
this is so cute! i love the picture.
Ahh, the Mac n cheese. Oy. Someday so wonder if M will turn yellow (or is it orange?) from so much Mac n cheese. And, so many words, and manners! What a sweet little lady.
Happy 17 Months, Arden!!
Oh dear —- I seriously could not be be more obsessed with this sweet little love! Those skinny jeans. I die.
I think J was just shy of 18 months when we first me. I think?? TIME IS FLYING and these "babes" are growing too fast!
Happy Friday, sweet friend. I must see y'all soon!