Height: 33 inches
Weight: 26-27 lbs
Clothing size: 18-24 months & 2T
Shoe size: 5
Weight: 26-27 lbs
Clothing size: 18-24 months & 2T
Shoe size: 5
Number of teeth: 16
This has been my favorite month…surprising right?!? I’ve always loved Christmas, but seeing it through your eyes makes it even more special. The lights, the trees, and “Ho Ho”…you love it all. Well, you love Santa as long as you’re not forced to sit on his lap 🙂 You also got to see snow this month! Today we’re just leaving Great Bend, after a great weekend at Grandma and Grandpa’s. At first you were puzzled by the big white flakes falling from the sky, but then you kept begging to go “side” and play in it….all 10+ inches! We took you on a four-wheeler ride through the snow and you cried when we tried to get off–so one more lap around the farm it was 🙂 But to be honest, you’ve cried a lot this weekend…I’m blaming it on the last pesky canine that’s working it’s way through. I sure hope we get our sweet, happy girl back by Christmas!
You still love to talk–no surprise there. Even a month after Thanksgving, you still respond with “pumpkin pie?!?” every time I ask you if you’re ready for a meal. Good thing Gigi is making you some for Christmas dinner! You’re also putting multiple words together like “thank you, Momma” “bye bye, Hazel” “love you, Dada”…although “I love you” sound more like “I knew”…but we know what you mean 😉
A few funny stories from the past month…
We were at the grocery store with Gigi & Papa one day, and each time someone made an announcement over the intercom it would end with a beep…then you would yell “beeeeeep!”
I rock you and sing an old Pi Phi song before bed every night…and sometimes you join in and sing your own version in the sweetest little voice. My heart explodes every time.
One day in your room you kept saying “Amy, Amy, Amy” and I couldn’t figure out what you were talking about. Then you picked up your prayer lamb and I realized you meant “Amen”. I think that lamb has officially found her name 🙂
At our progressive dinner last week I was taking a picture of you pushing Henry in a baby doll stroller…then all of the sudden you walked around and planted a big kiss on him.
You really do love your Henry 🙂
Any time you pretend to talk on the phone, you’re talking to one of 3 “people”…Gigi, Papa or their dog, Zoe (Zo-Zo). And anytime I hang up a call, you say “Bye Bye Gigi!” I guess we talk too much!!!
Sweet girl…even after 16 months it’s still a bit surreal to me that you’re here. Two Christmases ago our prayers were just being answered when we found out we were pregnant. This Christmas you’re ripping open presents, trying to wear your stocking on your foot, and toddling around munching on sugar cookies…it’s crazy. Crazy and wonderful.
You are the greatest Christmas present I’ve ever received. Love you so much!!!!

Great Bend makes me cry too! 😉 Christmas gets even more fun as they get older!
Oh my goodness, she is the cutest. Could she please teach Marcus a few of those words (specifically "I love you")?
Happy 16 Months sweet little lady!
She is so adorable! Oh my goodness!
Life with Baby Sophia
Arden is the cutest little girl! I love that you do these monthly updates for her as it will be something special to show her when she gets older! I hope you and the family have a blessed and Merry Christmas!
OH my I love all her words! "talking" on the phone is awesome! She's such a cutie! And i'm late to reading this but I love the new blog look!!
She is too cute!!! Xo
Nessa's World