Height: 33 inches
Weight: 25 lbs 6 oz
Clothing size: 18-24 months and some 2T
Shoe size: 4.5
Weight: 25 lbs 6 oz
Clothing size: 18-24 months and some 2T
Shoe size: 4.5
Number of teeth: 15
You are turning into a big girl before our eyes! Not just physically (although it makes me laugh to think about the days when I worried you were too small! ha!), but because you are doing more and more big-kid things every day. You try (and prefer) to feed yourself with a fork, you take drinks of water or milk just so you can say “ahhhh”, you blow on things that are hot (including the fireplace!), and you surprise us with new words every single day. Talking is kind of your thing (it’s mine too…which means your dad is worried!) New words and names this month are: Norah, Will, Luke, Henry, shoe, bow, hummus, Elmo, elbow (probably because it sounds a lot like Elmo!), Ernie, Gigi, Taylor, pig, cow, Jesus, bubbles, pet, necklace, tree and applesauce. Just last night we were listening to your prayer lamb before bed and at the end you said “A-MENNNN!”
Good girl 🙂
Apparently you’ve also figured out that mom and dad have other names too. Gigi asked you where “Chris” was and you pointed to your dad…then she asked you where “Vanessa” was and you pointed right to me. We couldn’t believe it! I know I say it every month, but you really are a little sponge.
Just last week you strung 3 of your favorite words together: “Bye Bye Cow.” On our way home from Florida, we got off the plane first and were waiting for your dad to come up with the stroller. As each passenger walked by you told them, “Bye Bye Cow!!!!” with the biggest smile on your face.
Priceless 🙂
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for many things, but you are at the top of my list, my little turkey.

Such a cutie!! She's so tall too! And funny about knowing your names, I swear it sounds like A calls her dad "Pete" but I was never sure really.. I guess she probably is!
Ha! Good girl to already know what yummy hummus is! And I call Drew my turkey too. Love that nickname for a toddler. 🙂
Oh my goodness, she is such a little cutie! And I can't believe she has 15 teeth!!!! We are one month behind and still just have 5!
Best age ever right? She's so cute! And so fun! Bye bye cows… I love it! And I love her!
I cannot believe how much she is talking! She's so wonderful, Vaness!
Miss Arden is SUCH a cootie, too funny about the airport!
She is such a hoot! I love that girl! And so many words…what a vocabulary 🙂