YES! My favorite blogging day of the week is back!
You know the drill…
I learned about this little gem, also known as The Prairie by Rachel Ashwell, during our adventures in Round Top last week.
I only have one question…when can I move in?

Chris, if you’re reading this–a weekend here would be the best anniversary/Christmas/birthday gift ever…
okay, thanks 🙂
A lot of times I find myself choosing not to do an activity with Arden because it’s too messy. Well sometimes you’ve just gotta roll up your sleeves (and lay down a 20×20 drop cloth) and get messy 🙂
Arden loved “painting” on the pumpkin and at one point was throwing glitter in the air like confetti. I’m pretty sure we’ll be finding it in her hair for at least a month.
And how cute are her spiderweb leggings? Another great Wal-Mart find by Gigi!
I have a snacking problem–but this stuff makes me feel not so bad about it!
So good…

Next month Chris and I will be celebrating our 4th anniversary with a cruise.
When we booked the trip 6 months ago it seemed like an AWESOME idea…now I’m wondering how on earth I’m going to survive being away from my baby for 4 nights. For real though…how am I going to live?!?! I’ve never spent a night away from her–nor have I wanted to. And of course we chose the one vacation where cell phones and computers don’t really work. I’m going to be that crazy lady who sleeps in the internet cafe. You think I’m kidding? 😉
In all seriousness, I know it will be a great trip–and I can’t wait to spend some time just the two of us–but that initial goodbye is going to be rough. Like really rough. However, something tells me that Arden won’t miss us quite as much…she’ll be too busy getting spoiled rotten by Gigi & Papa 🙂

So this happened last night.
SO proud!!!!!
On that note…have a fabulous weekend, friends!!

1) The Prarie looks amazing! Will be adding it to my places I want to go list! 🙂 2) I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise! We left Owen last year for a week and it was hard but we enjoyed our time too! And you better believe I was in the Internet cafe a few times:) It was expensive, I think, but we were able to get cell phone reception sometimes (depending on where we were). Happy early anniversary! 🙂
Log my goodness these pics of Arden are too cute. I know it's hard leaving them. I did it nice for a weekend and I was so worried – the kids did great though. We're going away for another weekend next month and I'm worried again – gone are the days we could go away without a care. I'm sure she'll do great and you and hubby will have an awesome time. Happy anniversary ?
Arden is the cutest little walker! Hang on, momma, things are about to get crazy!
I know EXACTLY what you mean about leaving her, but I am sure she will do great and you will have the perfect time. And it will be like Christmas when you come home! 🙂
Happy weekend and anniversary!
yay for walking!!! It's awesome!!
you will enjoy your trip! four days is just perfect – long enough to have fun and miss her a little but not too much! we went away when Callie was 11.5mo for four days and it was perfect! we didn't do much internet because my mom is not tech savy and Callie didn't get it at that age so don't stress about communication just enjoy yourselves!
Great post! That first time away is SO hard, but it's so nice to have one on one time with the husband! Enjoy!
Yay Arden! She's so proud of herself in the video! Sweet girl 🙂 I'll be saying some prayers for you that it's not too hard to leave Arden for the cruise. My heart just breaks thinking about it. She will be totally fiiiiine, and it will be harder on mommy, but you'll both be having so much fun that it will be worth it!!!
the glitter pumpkin is ADORABLE! regardless of the glitter everywhere for months…it's still a precious, precious memory!!!!
I love the end of your walking video when you can hear you smothering her with kisses! 🙂 Too sweet!
I'm leaving our little guy, for approximately 18 hours, next weekend…I'M TERRIFIED!! Luckily, he'll have his daddy, Mimi, and Pop…but still. I know how you feel. I'll have to slowly work my way up to 4 days. 😉
I LOVE Arden's gold pumpkin!! Lex and I will fully be making our own this weekend!!! And who doesn't love a little more glitter during bath times and diaper changes for the next week? A cruise is going to be AWESOME! And so relaxing! I promise Arden will be fine- but you guys are going to miss her like cray-cray. And she's out of her "closet walking". Look how good she is already– your in trouble ;)!
"Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies." LOL I saw that quote somewhere once and it tickles me to death but is so true! At least she is a girl so glitter is ok. I love those leggings too! Will have to look for them in my little's size.
Oh that popcorn is my new favorite thing. The little old sample man at Costco got me hooked I tell you 🙂
Hi! I'm a new follower! Love your blog!
She is so so happy with her new trick! Go Arden!!
Vanessa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The walking photo… it's too much. I watched it on IG last night with Jackson and he said "baby walk…. dat baby walk". Way to go, Arden {but really, when did she get so big?!}. Fun and oh, so wild days ahead at your casa!
Cannot wait to see you girls IN A WEEK!!!!!
Loving the glitter pumpkin and your little girl's headband! Stopping by for the first time! xo
YAY Arden!! Now the fun really begins! 🙂
Enjoy your trip. You deserve every second!
ALL about the dropcloths (and skinny popcorn). Those leggings are too cute!
I'm obsessed with Arden's leggings! I'm a lot like you…I avoid activities with Emersen that I might think are too messy. I'm learning to let go and let my little girl experience things….even if that means I'll have a lot of clean up to do.
The Prairie looks amazing!
You guys will have so much fun on the cruise and it'll be so great to have some alone time!
Those spider web leggings are seriously awesome! And, I love the fall craft! So festive and fun.
Loving the gold pumpkin! I do sometimes skip out on art projects if I'm not in the mood to clean up a big mess, but then we all miss out! I'm hoping we'll get to paint or carve our pumpkin soon. Maybe paint!!
Found you on the link up! Oh my gosh you are brave to let her paint that pumpkin! Your little one is so cute!
oh the prairie. swoooon. I would love to spend a weekend there!! loving the pumpkins!
Oh, so much to say about this post. First of all, yay for Arden walking! So awesome! And I'm dying over the leggings and the glitter pumpkin! You are so brave for doing that project. I draw the line at finger paints – my child is a MESS and would be guaranteed to eat the glitter and/or glue.
Go Arden GO!!!! LOVE HER and her excitement is just priceless. I know exactly what you mean about going away on vacation, but you know it will be so so good. I would totally be the crazy lady in the internet cafe too! ha I love that you did the glitter pumpkin with Arden that is so awesome, you only live once right?! You are one great Momma! Can we have a girls getaway to that place?!? OMG, I die!