Height: 33 inches
Weight: 25 lbs
Clothing size: mostly 18-24 months
Shoe size: 4
Weight: 25 lbs
Clothing size: mostly 18-24 months
Shoe size: 4
Number of teeth: 11
Dear Arden,
I have to be honest…the last month has been the most challenging so far. Between teething, an ear infection, and learning to walk–we’ve had some pretty interesting days (and nights!) But in a weird way, it’s also been a lot of fun.
You’re a little sponge–always observing, studying, and then surprising us with what you’ve learned. You went through a phase where we would ask you, “where’s your mouth/belly button/ear/etc?” and you would always stick your finger up your nose–usually until you coughed. Oy! Thankfully, that little trick got old for you and now you usually point to the correct body part and then try to repeat the word. You’ve added some new words to your vocabulary too: pumpkin, chicken, tractor, out, up, scarecrow (seriously?), poopoo (hmmmm), Lila, Hazel, Violet, banana, and Maren. Speaking of your cousin Maren…I think you two are kindred souls or something. When it comes to personality and attitude, you are a carbon copy of Maren 6 years ago–and you look a little bit like she did too 😉 She makes you laugh so hard when we FaceTime and when she leaves the room you always sign for more. A couple of weeks ago you pulled a picture of her off the bookshelf and said “Mar-Mar”…it melts my heart seeing you love her so much because I do too. I think you’re going to be pretty fond of all of your cousins after our week back in Kansas though 🙂
You’ve started a new “excited gasp” thing this month that’s just adorable. You see a pumpkin at Kroger–gasp! There’s a squirell in one of your books–gasp! Your dad comes home from work–gasp! I want to see the world through your eyes…because it sounds awesome 🙂
There may have been some rough spots, but the good times we’ve had this month far outweigh the bad. You took your first steps for cryin’ out loud…and it was amazing. You’re becoming a little person before our eyes and I’m so happy I get to enjoy the ride with you…tantrums included.
I love you my little pumpkin.

She's so tall!! Yay for tall babies! Those are some serious words too — how fun! Once she gets the walking down a little more you will both be like how did we do things before she was walking?! 🙂 Such a fun age!!
She is tall, A is only 31" at 18m!!
Love the gasp, Ashlynn now just started doing the surprise ghost face… Babies are hysterical!
Is it bad I want her to continue sticking her finger up her nose because it sounds insanely cute and funny. I'd DIE laughing every time!
Stop it with the cuteness! I want another!!! 🙂
That photo is DARLING….. such precious pumpkins (all of them – especially, Arden!!). 🙂 She's getting so big! It's bittersweet to see them grow so quickly! Love reading about her milestones as of late!
She is adorable! Berk is almost 16 months and is just now wearing a size 4 !!!
Wow, I didn't realize she was so tall! Future model! 🙂
We have had a few tantrums this month too, looks like we both have our hands full! But they are just the cutest and the most fun!!!!!
Happy 14 months, Arden!
Such a big girl! Any chance we can convince you girls to make it to Manhattan on Saturday??
Oh my goodness, she is so precious!! It goes by way too fast :(. You will have to check out our giveaway for Fairy Birds. Your darling girl would love it!!!
She is the cutest thing! The gasp.. I love it!! Happy 14 months sweet girl! XO
Love her pose, she is too cute for words! Happy 14 months Miss Arden:)
She is just the sweetest!! Cannot believe how fast these kids are growing up! Loved getting to see her yesterday 🙂
Love love lovin' those shoes!
Oh my, could she be any cuter? I love the excited gasp! That's adorable.