Happy 13 months to the sweetest girl I know!

Height: 33 inches
Weight: 23 lbs
Clothing size: mostly 18-24 months
Shoe size: 4
Number of teeth: 9
Dear Arden,
What a month it’s been!!! This month has by far brought the most changes–and it’s also been the most fun. It’s like you turned one and said, “hey, I think I’m going to be a toddler now”.
You sign “more” for everything–food, toys, music, or even when you just want me. Sometimes it’s a guessing game, but I love that you have embraced this new way to communicate with us.
As far as physical changes go, you are getting taller by the day. Your dad keeps assuring me that you’re still our chubby little baby, but I think this is the beginning of your rolls disappearing. (Tear!!!)
That being said, you must not be slimming down too much because you’re wearing mostly 18-24 months clothes and you just moved into size 4 diapers!
That being said, you must not be slimming down too much because you’re wearing mostly 18-24 months clothes and you just moved into size 4 diapers!
You’re not walking on your own yet, but you spend most of your time pushing your stroller or shopping cart, or holding our fingertips and directing us around the house. You are bossy about it too…if I try to turn you right but you want to go left, by golly, we are going left!
Speaking of bossy, I mentioned recently that you’re not exactly good at sharing. I know this is a lesson that will take years for you to learn, but if you could even just refrain from knocking other babies down when you steal their toys, that would be a start 😉 But seriously…mom needs to read a book on this ASAP! 😉
Your language skills impress me more and more ever day. You love to repeat everything we say–and sometimes it’s so clear that it blows us away. We were at the grocery store last week when an older woman in a wheel chair was on the phone and told the person she was talking to, “I love you”. You (very loudly) tried to repeat it and the lady whipped around and said, “did she just say what I think she said?!?” I think you made her day 🙂
One last sweet story, just because I want to remember it. We were making the 11 hour trip back to Kansas for Labor Day, and I was trying to get you to fall asleep by stroking your cheek. When I was sure you’d fallen asleep, I stopped…then your eyes popped open and you grabbed my hand and put it back to your cheek. It absolutely melted my heart. I will stroke your cheek for hours if it makes you happy, okay?
Looking forward to another wonderful month with you, sweet girl.
Love you to the moon and back!

Oh lord. That cheek story just melted my heart. Oh and I always say 'Love you to the moon and back' too! 🙂
Oh my goodness, could she be any cuter? And the cheek story just about did me in….oh my word she is the sweetest!
The cheek story – so so sweet! Such a gorgeous girl!
I saw her at the gym this morning fighting with two older girls over a toy. She was definitely holding her own! The little girls were being mean to her so the child care girl picked her up and said "She's just a baby. Be nice." The little girl stood up and said "Well, she smells like poop!" Hahaha! She looks so cute in her black shirt and bow. I definitely think it's a good look for her!
Oh my!!! I think I know the little girl you're talking about…when I picked Arden up she told me she had a dirty diaper. I checked and she didn't 😉
Fighting over toys with big kids…I think I'm going to have my work cut out for me! :/
She didn't 🙂
Love hearing about what Arden is up to lately! I also have a girl with a lot of spunk and sass. I love the movie Steel Magnolias and I told my mom the other day that my daughter, Lucy, is my Shelby and we will probably be bumping heads for the next 18 years just like the movie but its ok, she's my Little Miss Independent! Also, that chair looks pretty familiar! I think we used the same one for our 1 year photos!
she is the CUTEST!!! seriously, i'm obsessed with her (in a totally normal and healthy way of course). I'm dying over her lack-of-sharing. . . but i REALLY want her to share her outfit with me. Could it be any cuter?!
She is THE cutest! Happy 13 months!
So cute! Love the new monthly picture style! My girl just turned one and I'm trying to decide on a new monthly photo arrangement too, since she's waaaay past laying down for her picture!
Happy 13 Months!
So sweet! Lily Caroline is starting to lose some of her rolls and I'm so sad about it!! That with her 1st birthday coming up, I better stock up on tissues! 😉 Don't worry too much about the sharing. It is definitely hard but it will get better when she's a little older. Owen is 3 1/2 and still has a little trouble sharing. What everyone else has always seems better, right? Thanks for sharing about your precious girl! 😉
What a cutie!!
The grocery store story is amazing! I swear they really do learn something new everyday in the 2nd year. People "told" me that but I didn't believe it… it's so much fun!
She's so cute! Isn't this age so much fun?! What program did you use to add words to the picture?
Thank you! 🙂 I used PicMonkey to add the words…it's free and super easy!
She's just so dang cute.. love her lil peplum top:) Happy 13 months Arden!!!
Oh man the cheek story got me a little teary.
she is so cute
great story also