Remember that girl that used to blog somewhat regularly…then she took a week-long hiatus because… well, she didn’t even have a good excuse? Yeah, that’s me 🙂 We’ve just been having fun, preparing for a big party, and savoring these last couple weeks before someone becomes a full-blown toddler.
But in the midst of my slacking, I did actually manage to put together a little 5 on Friday fun!
So here goes…
We got a sneak peek of Arden’s 1 year pictures over the weekend…and oh my, I just can’t stop looking at this preciousness. I’m SO excited to see the rest of the moments that Aubrey captured!

And if you follow me on Instagram, you already saw this shot of Arden’s nutritious breakfast on picture day!
I shared my green monster recipe on here awhile back, but I decided it’s SO good that it’s worth sharing again! This is my go-to meal every morning…I pretty much crave it the minute I wake up.
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 frozen banana
2 big handfuls of organic baby spinach
*blend ingredients together and enjoy!*
*5g fat, 250 cal, 21g protein*
*5g fat, 250 cal, 21g protein*

Friends, it is HOT here in Texas. So hot that even the pool doesn’t cool us off enough…so lately we’ve been searching for other indoor activities. One day this week we went to the mall with some friends and let the kiddos play in the play area. At one point Arden looked at me and held up a big black hairball, like “here you go, mom”. So yeah, there was an awful lot of disinfecting going on after that, but it was still a good way for the little ones to burn some energy indoors! Nap time got in the way of the Build-a-Bear store for us, but it was still a successful outing!

Yesterday we met Emily and Owen for some more air-conditioned fun at a local kids gym. It was such a neat little place–perfect for playdates–but wouldn’t you know that the little ones preferred snacking over anything else?! 🙂
Love these little blondies…
Wal-Mart does it again! Haha…who says that?!? Apparently I do 🙂
While grocery shopping this week, I spotted these mini purple shorts for just $5. Arden is going to be lookin’ quite stylish on game days this Fall!
This picture makes them look kind of pink, but I assure you they are K-State purple!

I don’t know when this happened exactly, but some time in the last 3 years in Texas I jumped on the monogram bandwagon. I seriously see things and think, “now that would be even cuter monogrammed”. I have issues.
But how cute are these stemless acrylic wine glasses on Etsy?? I think they would make a great hostess or housewarming gift!

Speaking of monogrammed cuteness. I’m obsessed…I repeat, OBSESSED…with this seersucker romper. I think Arden loves it too 🙂
Well that’s all, folks!
Next week I hope to be back to my regular scheduled blogging 😉
Have a great weekend!

Her one year pics look so good, she is such a beautiful little girl with that blonde hair! Makes me want to start planning Chloe's one year pics! Have a good weekend!
I don't even know where to start. Really. THE SNEAK PEEK is just too much as is the cake smash setup. I cannot wait to celebrate this sweet girl soon!!!
And I'm so glad you shared the smoothie recipe again because I actually posted about smoothies today!! I love them and have to find a good blender and some yummy recipes! Definitely going to try this (and your protein bites!).
Please send Arden my way. She can just stay here for a week or so and hangout. And Hazel too. Heck, just load up and come live with me for a bit. I heart you guys!! Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!
Oh Arden, you are a HOOT! Love the sneak peek pictures…and that balloon. Love it!
The purple polka dot shorts are so cute. WalMart? Impressed!
Can't wait yo see the one year pics!!! So pretty! I think we had Ashlynn on the same dress for some of hers too!
Found you on the link up today! Arden is absolutely so precious!!! And I'm loving the monogrammed romper! 🙂
Ok. The sneak peak of Arden is the most amazing thing ever. Seriously ever!! I can't wait to see more!! And I also love any clothing item purchased while grocery shopping! And those stemless wine glasses are totally going on my "want" list!
Love her 1 year pictures, the smoothie recipe and the stemless wine glasses!!! I got a lot of love for this post, don't I!? Have a great weekend girl!
Chels @ Red Velvet Rooster
Love little miss Arden! I think she looks a lot like her cousins in that last picture! Can't wait to see the rest of her pictures! Yum on the green smoothie. I hear lots about it but have yet to try one but think I will get the ingredients! Happy Friday!
Oh my gosh. Arden is beautiful! We lived in the south for the last year and half and they monogram everything. I became a wee bit obsessed myself!
Thanks for sharing the green monster recipe. I'm excited to try it. 🙂
Lots of fun going on over at your house! LOVE her sneak peak pictures! Beautiful! It feels like fall here in Kansas, you would love it!
Arden, you are one beautiful little lady! Can't wait to see the rest of the one year photo shoot!
Oooohhh…her one year picture is beautiful!! Love, love, love it! Lily Caroline's photo shoot is scheduled and I CAN.NOT wait…except I do have to wait until October since her bday is in Nov! Love me a monogram…I just "inherited" a monogram machine and everything in the house is subject to be monogrammed! 🙂 Happy weekend friend! Looking forward to party pics soon!
Found you through the blog hop, and I love those shorts! Walmart- who knew!?! I love that little romper (and the little Miss in it is just precious!). Happy Friday!
Over from the link up! Those one year photos are gorgeous! And the shorts are adorbs!
I blogged about green smoothies today too, with the same link up! Those mall play places always stress me out and we immediately took showers when we got home, but my kids love them! Love Arden's 1 year pictures, too precious!
Oh my goodness, that sneak peek photo is amazing! I can't wait to see the rest. I love the big pink balloon. And so much fun that you get to have playdates with baby Owen and his mommy! Love seeing pictures of the babies on both your blogs! So fun!
Arden is such a little doll! She looks like such the quintessential little angel! I love the picture you shared!
Thanks for sharing you Monster Smoothie recipe too — I had never heard of powdered peanutbutter!
OMG! The sneak peek photos are SO CUTE!
Found you on Darci's blog. Your little girl is AAhhDorable! Gosh, girl clothes are just the cutest and all the monogramming…don't get me started! LOVE it!
First birthdays are just so fun. We just celebrated our little guys 1st. Nice to find your blog!
Those pictures are beautiful!! And monograms really do make everything cuter! I drink a similar smoothie in the mornings, especially during the school year (PB2 is the best thing!!) I will have to try your recipe though! It sounds so good 🙂
Oh my goodness those are my stemless wine glasses! Thanks so much for the feature!! 🙂
Amy, I love them! I'll be placing an order soon! 🙂
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