Length: TBD
Weight: TBD – Chunky 🙂
Head Circumference: 17 inches
Weight: TBD – Chunky 🙂
Head Circumference: 17 inches
Milestones this month:
- You have 3 new teeth! That brings the grand total to 7!
- Moving into 12-18 month clothes. The 6-12 month stuff is getting pretty snug (how can that be?!)…but you’re still rocking the size 3 diapers.
- Cruising! You love to pull up on furniture and cruise around, but so far you don’t show any signs of wanting to walk. That’s one thing about you…you do things in your own time, and I’m just fine with that 🙂
- You’ve added a few new tricks to your repertoire. You can high-five, do the Itsy Bitsy Spider movements, and give big wet kisses to mom, dad, and all of your stuffed animals. Oh how I love those slobbery kisses!
- Still a good sleeper. I will be forever thankful for your 7pm-7am sleep schedule. And I won’t be surprised if any future siblings of yours don’t sleep at all…so if that’s the case, you are my favorite 🙂
- Words: Bye-bye, Mama, Uh Oh and Ba-Ba. Ba-Ba doesn’t stand for bottle (heck, you don’t even know what that is)…actually we finally figured out that it’s what you call Hazel. And you use your high voice when you say it…clearly something you’ve learned from your momma!
Things you like this month:
- Hazel. Didn’t I tell you she would make the list every month?! But for real, you are obsessed. The moment I pick you up out of your crib in the morning you start saying “Ba-Ba” and looking around for her. As soon as you’re fed and changed I put you down on the floor and open up the bedroom door–and there she is. You squeal with delight every time! You’ve also been picking up Hazel’s toys and crawling over to give them to her. Such a smarty.
- Playing the kazoo. Your first instrument was a party favor from Henry’s 1st birthday, and to our surprise, you figured out how to use it on your own. Hopefully you get your dad’s musical ability and not mine…I tried to blow into the kazoo. Whoops.
- Playing with other babies. You’ve really been interested in interacting with your friends lately! The sharing thing is going to take some work, but we’ve got plenty of time to figure that out 😉
- Yoga. Anytime, anywhere…you love to break out some downward dog. Sometimes you even scoot across the floor in that position. It’s rather impressive!
- Dancing. Your dance moves pretty much rock my world. Every time your farm toy plays Old MacDonald you start groovin’. A country girl at heart…
- Chewing on your crib. Oy.
- Books. They are by FAR your favorite toys. I hand you one every time we get in the car and you just “read” your little heart out until we’ve reached our destination.
- FaceTime. We talk to Gigi on FaceTime a lot and you love, love, love to show off and act like a wild woman. It’s like you have to show her all of your toys and all of your tricks–as quickly as possible.
Things you don’t like this month:
- Taking 2 naps. I’m calling it a “phase” right now, but your morning naps are hit or miss these days. I’ll just keep trying and see what happens…pretty much my parenting motto. Ha! But seriously… 😉
- When story time is over. Let’s just say that the words “the end” during bedtime have not been well-received lately.
- Sitting still for your monthly pictures. Thank goodness for quick shutter speed!
Special memories this month:
- First 4th of July. Aka the best Fourth EVER.
- Meeting some of mom’s Pi Phi friends and some other KC babes.
How is it that 11 months have gone by since the nurses laid you on my chest that Thursday night? They have been the fastest, yet most joyful and fulfilling 11 months of my life. Oh so bittersweet. A few weeks ago our pastor told a story about a trip he went on with his family, and he said he had one of those moments where he wished he could press pause and live in it for the rest of his life. I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing because I have had SO many of those moments with you these past 11 months. But since that pause button doesn’t exist, let’s just keep on making the most of each day together, shall we?
Love you so so much.

She is so precious Vanessa! I've had the pause button moments too 🙂
You don't blow into a kazoo?! No wonder I never got the hang of it! Happy 11 months to one adorable, amazing, and oh so sweet little babe!! Can't believe she's almost one!!
She is just the most adorable thing! I just want to pinch her chubby cheeks!!! Happy 11 months to Arden. My Bubba turns 2 on Monday. Kids make time fly!
Chels @ Red Velvet Rooster
She is just too cute!
How are our babies possibly this big. She is seriously the cutest thing ever. I'm loving her hair right now! Mac has such blonde hair too! Future boyfriend material??? 🙂
And you had me tearing up too! Time needs to slow down a bit. Daylynn is getting much better at night but how does Arden sleep? any noise or anything? Id love a 12 hr.stretch, heck even 9 🙂 Share your secrets