It’s that time again! I’m back for another installment of Five on Friday with Darci & friends 🙂
I need to get serious about something. As much as I don’t want to, I need to kick my soda addiction! I know it’s possible considering I did it throughout my entire pregnancy with Arden…but oh my, I love a good Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper on a hot day…or any day for that matter 😉 So I’m going to enjoy a couple more over the weekend and then try to go cold turkey on Monday. Wish me luck…because I’m gonna need it!

I made my first Instagram video this week and I’ve only watched it…oh, you know…about 300 times.
I seriously love this child…
Now that Arden is sharing a lot of our food, I’m paying more attention to ingredients and kind of rethinking what “healthy” means. So in an effort to eat a little cleaner, lately I’ve been using the Fooducate app while grocery shopping. All you have to do is scan the barcode of the item or search for it by name–and up pops a grade, the nutrition facts, and a list of healthier alternatives. Imagine how surprised I was when a bag of (what I thought were really healthy) veggie chips from Whole Foods got a D- for being highly processed and containing GMOs. Oh so you’re telling me not everything at Whole Foods is actually good for you?!? 😉
Anyway, this app is definitely helping me to make some better decisions at the grocery store…

Whoever said 10 months was the best age…they weren’t kidding:)
Case and point:
This time next week I will be soaking up some small-town, 4th of July goodness. We’re heading to my mom’s hometown in Iowa for fireworks, tractor pulls, 3-legged races, greased pig contests (yes, you read that right), and a cutest baby contest. Which, PS: I hope the locals won’t be too made when a Texas baby takes home the crown 😉
I am so excited for this trip I can hardly stand it. We went almost every year growing up and now I haven’t been since my almost-7-year-old-niece looked like she did in the picture below. TOO long, folks!
That being said, I’ll probably have to skip out on next Friday’s link-up…but will be back the following week to dish about our Iowa adventure!

Have a great weekend, friends!!!!

Found you from the Five on Friday linkup. Nice to "meet you".
Am in the same boat with the addiction to soda. I kicked the habit for about 6 months and then fell of the wagon. Need to get back on. 🙂
You guys always do the BEST things!! Your 4th I'd going to be amazing. I'm downloading that app for sure (I fell into a trap where I ate a ton of granola thinking I was so cool to find out its loaded with sugar!). Have an amazing weekend!!
Oh don't you worry, I did the granola thing too! But it's so darn good!
I don't even think I have to tell you to have a great weekend…so lucky!! 🙂
I will have to check out the app- I really want/need to find healthy options for my family.
Your 4th of July sounds like so much fun!! I always want to do something like this for the 4th!! Hope to see pictures!!
Wish we could get our girls together for a play date!! 🙂
Happy 4th!!
Too funny, I wrote a post about how 10 months was the best age ever ( … and while I still stand by it as completly awesome, it just keeps getting better! You'll sit even less (if you can imagine), but as much as I loved my baby, I'm obsessed with my toddler!
And thanks for the reminder, need to look up local 4th fun around here!
I'm going to check out that app, how neat! I have to agree with 10 months being a fabulous age….except for the teething days! Hope you have a wonderful trip over the 4th!
I'm so behind – I didn't know you could do an instagram video – it's adorable!
We are heading to a small town July 4th celebration too next weekend and it sounds much the same as yours. We went every year growing up and haven't been in years, so we are really excited to go this year! Hope you have a great time and Arden is sure to win the crown 🙂
We're going to Iowa next week too for all the July 4th fun! Where is she from? My parents both grew up in Iowa and there's nothing about an Iowa 4th of July!
Your upcoming trip for the 4th sounds AMAZING…. I mean, does it get any better than that?????????? NO. Can J and I just load up and go with y'all? Would your family mind? 😉
And HANDS DOWN – Arden has that contest in the bag! Show them who's boss, sweet girl! 😉
**And now I need a diet cherry dr. pepper (yum!!!!). Lastly, you know Hazel always has a dog bed waiting for her at this bully lovin' house!! 🙂
Arden is so adorable! I love when she crawls toward the camera!!
You are a brave woman for giving up soda in the summer! Sometimes, on a hot day, it is all that will cool me down. More power to you!!
I'm downloading that app right now! Sounds really helpful.
Have a great weekend!!
I don't know about brave…maybe crazy though?!? I think I'm going to allow myself a cheat on the weekend. Anything in moderation, right? 🙂 You have a great weekend too!
🙂 awww..I love the pictures. Iam addicted to diet coke–wish I could kick that habit for good.
Love it! And are you kicking your addiction because of the sugar or the caffeine?? I still haven't had caffeine (except small amount in decaf coffee) since Charlie was born and I attribute that to my lack of headaches!! Amazing. Except I still have one caffeine free diet pop a day – can't help myself 🙂
That grocery app looks amazing AND have fun in Iowa. Miss you guys!
Just for the artificial sweeteners. And that's funny you say that about your headaches because I haven't had my daily soda and now I have a headache! What the heck?!? Withdrawals I suppose! 🙂
Oh my goodness…that little diaper butt getting in to trouble just kills me!!!! 10 months is such a fun age!
Hi friend! That app looks amazing, downloading it now! I may never buy anything else we eat again.
I don't drink diet soda, but I do love me some regular Dr. Pepper. Oh man, that stuff is like CRACK to me. Once I have one, I'm done…30 more to follow.
I feel dumb…how do you put Instagram video on here?!
Your lil one is soooo cute!
I just kicked my soda habit at the beginning of June, so I feel ya on that one.. The only thing getting me through is lemonade! Lots and lots of slushy frozen lemonades made in the blender. 🙂
Have a great 4th of July.
Michelle @ Ya Gotta Have a Hobby
Have a great trip!
I found you on Five on Friday and wanted to say hello! The Fooducate app sounds amazing! I will be downloading that. Have a great weekend!