Length: 29 inches
Weight: 21-22 lbs
Head Circumference: 17 inches
Milestones this month:
- Crawling! The day we got home from the lake, your dad sat you down and you just started going! I love it when you go a few strides and then stop to look at us and assess the situation…and then you’re off again! It’s been so much fun to see you explore.
- Waving at anyone or everything. Random people in the grocery store, stuffed animals, pictures of people–you’re not picky, you just love to wave. The best was one night at swimming lessons when your dad got in with you. Every time you would look over at me on the bleachers you’d get this huge smile and start waving–and of course I would do the same 🙂
- Sitting up in your crib. You figured out how to do this earlier in the month and thought it was so cool that you even fell asleep that way once. After seeing you do the head-bob thing a few times on the monitor, I went in and helped you lay down. Poor little thing!
- Standing up in your crib. This is new as of last night!
- You’ve got a few new tricks up your sleeve! Clapping, raising your hands up when we say “so big!”, answering phones (which means holding it up to your forehead–close enough!), barking and quacking…and the ol’ “go crazy” trick that never gets old for any of us. Of course, sometimes when we ask you to do these things for other people you just give us a blank stare like, “I have no idea what you weird people are talking about.” So thanks for that 😉
- First goose egg and first fat lip. One on your dad’s watch and the other on mine. Both were scary, but I’m sure they won’t be the last!
- New car seat! We borrowed Norah’s convertible car seat at the lake and immediately ordered you one of your own when we got home. You’re so much happier to be upright–and of course, you have a better view of that cute baby in the mirror now.
- Ma-ma. Last weekend I walked into your room to get you after a long nap…you looked right up at me and said “ma-ma” while reaching your arms in the air. And then my life was complete. True story.
Things you like this month:
- Kids! You’ve always had a thing for other little people, but I think a long weekend at the lake with your cousins took it to a new level. You couldn’t get enough of them, and now that we’re back you’ve been smiling ear to ear every time you see a little kid in public. Our last trip to the grocery store involved lots of clapping and squeals 🙂
- Grinding your teeth. Now that you have both your top and bottom 2 teeth, you do this weird grinding thing that makes my skin crawl just a little bit. I’m kind of hoping the fascination ends soon!
- Water. If there were such thing as a sippy-cup-chugging contest, you would surely win it. We’ve had to start regulating so you don’t get too full before your food.
- New foods. Recent favorites are quesadillas, strawberries, bananas, and rice. You are eating almost anything we do these days, which makes things easier–yet harder at the same time. I guess I really need to make our dinners legit 🙂
- Books. You like to turn the pages and “read” them to us. You get really passionate sometimes and I just wonder what must be going through your head. It’s the cutest thing ever!
- Sharing food. A new mealtime activity is trying to put food into mom and dad’s mouths. I usually just pretend to eat it, but you are adamant! Turns out Baby Mum Mums aren’t too bad 😉
Things you don’t like this month:
- Staying still for diaper changes. I have a feeling this is going to make the list for a long time…
- Getting strapped in to anything. The back-arching has begun…and all I can say is YIKES! You can be a feisty one when you don’t want to do something.
- Getting off schedule. Naps are at 9 and 1, with about 45 minutes of wiggle room…anything outside of that makes you one tired baby. Some babies rub their eyes when they’re tired…you FLAIL. See the above comment about feistiness 🙂
Special memories this month:
- First Hog Roast
- First Gower Family Reunion
- First Father’s Day
- Carolina & Henry’s 1st birthday parties. Both were SO much fun…and now you’re up next! How did this happen?!
You have changed more in the last month that any other and it’s been incredible. Somedays I have to tell myself to stop and soak it all in–because I never want to forget the way you are right now. Crawling, waving, flailing your body around–whatever. It’s all pretty awesome. And how lucky am I that I get to be right there next to you, watching it all happen?
The luckiest.
Love you LOTS,
PS: Here’s proof that you once shared clothes with your mom. Hope you’re not embarrassed! 😉

I swear Arden and Lexi would be BFF's. and I'm in love with the fact that she's wearing one of your old dresses! So so sweet!
Love that little outfit. Great taste. 🙂
We are going through so many of the same things right now! 🙂 I can't believe our little girls will be a year old so soon!
Happy ten months, sweet Arden! It's crazy how much she sounds exactly like Waverly! Those feisty girls! Ps – what car seat did you go with? Do u like it? We are about to upgrade!
What a little cutie! Your 10 month old mirrors my 10 month old!! Except my little guy has been standing in his crib for months…which I want to prepare you, if she is teething and standing and the crib is in mouth range, it WILL be ruined~ so make sure you put a gel pad thingie on it quick! We waited too long and Easton's crib rail basically has no paint left!
Um.. hello!!!! PRECIOUS! Happy 10 months sweet Arden I can't wait to see your cute little self soon! What a fun month!
Love dressing them in some of our old clothes! Too cute!
Awe! She is the sweetest! I just got S a convertible car seat too!