You spent the majority of your sixth week in Kansas…lucky girl!!! The weekend forecast showed a high of 40 degrees, so we had to borrow some warm clothes from a friend down here. We’re used to 90 degree weather and onesies, so this whole layering thing is new to us! I think you pulled it off though…
I’d be lying if I said your dad and I weren’t terrified about taking you on a plane. I had visions of screaming, blowout diapers and dirty looks from other passengers. However, that wasn’t the case…you were an absolute angel.
Ready to go!
I fed you on the way up and the way down…but for about 45 minutes in between you happily observed your surroundings. I still cannot believe you didn’t make a peep!
After we landed in KC, changed you, and got our luggage– Gigi, Papa and Luke were waiting for us outside. Uncle Josh and Aunt Melissa were in Florida celebrating their 10th anniversary, so Lukey got to spend the week in Kansas.
You were a little fussy on the way home–probably due to a poopy diaper and road construction–and Luke kept asking “Why is baby Arden whining??” The first of many Luke quotes for the week 🙂
Saturday was Maren’s 6th birthday party!!! It was a cowgirl themed party out at Gigi and Papa’s…
The cold weather didn’t stop the hayrides! You and I stayed inside though 🙂
Your cousins were all bundled up. If Will had had a scruffy beard, I swear he would’ve looked just like Zac Brown 🙂
The closest thing you had to a cowgirl outfit…

Norah and Luke checking you out. Norah said, “Her doesn’t know me yet”. I’m going to be sad when she starts saying “she” instead of “her”!
She wanted to try on one of your headbands…and we made Luke join in. Poor kid. But doesn’t he look pretty?! 🙂
Posing with cowgirl Maren and the dream lite we got her. I feel like we were just at the hospital when she was born…does that mean you’re going to be a big six-year-old before we know it too??
Saturday evening we had a few friends out and you finally got to meet your buddies Jackson and Charlie!
My how our get-togethers have changed 🙂
Babies galore!
“Aunt Heather” the baby whisperer. We love her!

Sweet, sweet Jack in his KSU gear. What a DOLL!
Molly’s a natural 🙂
And of course we had to get a picture of you and Charlie. Papa thinks it looks like you’re telling Charlie a joke–and he gets it.
I just love this picture…

At the end of the night, I couldn’t stop smiling…it was SUCH a great time with our friends. I seriously wish we could do it every weekend! Don’t you, Chris?? 😉
In honor of a day with your cousins on Sunday, you wore one of Maren’s old outfits.
I think it’s safe to say that she likes you…
Even Norah thanks you’re pretty cute.
Later in the day we got out some photo albums to compare the kids’ baby pictures with yours. From the back, it’s hard to tell you and Maren apart! Especially with matching outfits 🙂
All that fun sure wore you out…
On Monday your Grandma Calcara came all the way from GB to visit you–and somehow we managed to not take a single picture! She made you a sweet little doll that matches your quilt…I can already picture you toting it around when you’re bigger 🙂
That night, we had a visit from Whitney and Adam. Hard to believe that when we come back for their wedding in April you will be 8 months old!!!
I think this is right before you tooted on Adam. We warned him–they’re powerful!
Tuesday we went to a breastfeeding group with Brittany and Charlie and grabbed some lunch afterwards. We had so much fun and you two looked pretty cute in your denim (which I promise we didn’t even plan)!
That night we celebrated Maren’s birthday one more time…Mexican! Those Gower grandkids love their cheese dip, so I’m sure you will too someday.
Here you are with your Aunt Lindsay and Will. He didn’t really want to share his mom with you that night 🙂
Wednesday we had two more visitors…Jenni and Evie!!! Jenni is one of my best high school friends and little miss Evie is 5 months old. She is the best dressed baby I know, so we had to make sure you looked cute for your introduction!
I love this picture. Evie’s like, “hey mom, over here!”
Your dad got home from Manhattan that night…oh yeah, did I mention that was the whole reason for our trip? He did on-campus interviews for his company and got to spend a couple days in the most wonderful place on earth. He even brought you home some cute clothes–because that’s what dads are supposed to do on business trips, right?
Thursday morning we transferred you straight from the nap nanny to the car seat and hit the road. Lucky for us, you slept all the way to the airport. We made it through security, fed you and you were back out again. I thought it might be too good to be true!
But much to my surprise, you slept through the majority of the flight. Guess you were worn out from your week of fun!
I couldn’t resist. There’s something about animal footed pajamas that gets me every time…
What a wonderful week. I’m so so happy that you go to experience Kansas in the fall…and I’m even happier we get to do it again in 2 weeks. Next time I will pack a lot less and hopefully stress a lot less too. You’re going to be a pro traveller in no time 🙂

I love this post and all the pics! I miss her and want to see her again so bad!! LOVE your family!!
Will you be in the GB area at all I'm 2 weeks? Would love to see you and meet miss Arden!
Yep, footie jammies. Killer.